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Name:michelle josephs
Posted on:October 18, 2010 08:52 PM
Where are you from?: green bay
Referred By: Just Surfed On In
Comments: dear michael iam so glad to hear that you in the wizard of oz i think you are a wounder person and you will always have a very special place in my heart take care love always michelle

Name:Leonie Yaffe
Posted on:October 16, 2010 12:51 PM
Where are you from?: England
Referred By: Just Surfed On In
Comments: WOW! Michael!!! I am so excited about the news that you are returning to the London stage where I'll be able to see you once more. Last time was The Woman in White. I have tickets for 2 shows already booked. See you on 7th February!

Name:Carol Swartz
Posted on:October 12, 2010 03:29 PM
Where are you from?: Florida
Referred By: Just Surfed On In
Comments: Dear Michael, As I type this I am listening to “Flowers”. What a beautiful recording. I love the music but I also get swept away with the reality and emotion you and the cast bring to the story. It touches my heart so and it makes me cry. I’ve read the book but never heard it spoken and sung from the heart. Although Charley had some limitations his ability to love and his heart to feel was boundless and you brought that to us. Thank you for making this recording. I only wish I had been able to see the play! But, I’ll see you in the Emerald City as Oz. Be happy and well, Carol

Name:Judy Spadafore
Posted on:October 11, 2010 04:19 PM
Where are you from?: Michigan
Referred By: Search Engine
Comments: I have enjoyed you sir since Hello Dolly. The movie just made such an impression on me as a teen. I have seen all of your plays, and enjoy your voice. I knew when I saw you in Hello Dolly you would go far, thank you for the great melodies!!

Name:Terry Wycuff
Posted on:October 5, 2010 10:15 PM
Where are you from?: Columbus, Ohio
Referred By: From a Friend
Comments: Hello Michael. We caught EFX some years ago when I lived in Las Vegas. You are a dynamic performer and who has a thrilling singing voice. Thank you for the magical theater that night you beautiful man!

All The Best, Mr. Terry Wycuff Sacramento, CA

Name:Carol Swartz
Posted on:October 4, 2010 04:54 PM
Where are you from?: Florida
Referred By: Just Surfed On In
Comments: Dear Michael, Words simply cannot convey how excited I am to know you are returning to the stage and I will have the opportunity to see you live. I am such an ardent fan and was certain I'd never have this chance. I was in London a few weeks ago seeing 5 plays in a week, naturally POTO was among them, and Oh had it only been you! It was very good though, I simply love the theater. London is still very much in my heart. I can't tell you how many times I've watched Barnum. You have such incredible dedication to your craft and for me you become the characters you play. I have almost all of your CD's but simply cannot find Barnum London cast in America. I just ordered “Flowers” and I have your DVDs, Tied with String and naturally Some Mothers. I will be returning to London expressly to see you in The Wizard of Oz. I'm like a little school girl with excitement, but I assure you I am far from a young school girl. Your music has touched my heart and your heart is in all that you sing. I pray life is kind to you. Stay happy and well, Carol... P/S. CAN'T WAIT

Name:Barbara W
Posted on:October 4, 2010 03:50 AM
Where are you from?: California, USA
Referred By: Search Engine
Comments: I've always been a big fan of Michael's. I've just watched "The Making of Phantom of the Opera" on the Bravo Channel. I was excited to see it since I never got to see him playing the Phantom. It was wonderful to see all the behind the scenes action.

Name:Andrew Jay Gross
Posted on:October 2, 2010 04:13 PM
Where are you from?: Beverly Hills, California
Referred By: Just Surfed On In
Comments: Dear Michael Crawford:

A number of years ago, when you performed in PHANTOM OF THE OPERA in Los Angeles, I had seen and enjoyed your performance several times. Soon thereafter, I was in a catastrophic accident at 34 that left me in the hospital for four months, paralyzed on one side. You sent me an autographed photo of yourself with a personalized note, which meant a lot to me. That photograph was hung in my hospital room, and later in my home.

I just wanted to thank you for giving me hope and encouragement to heal and to get better. Your image and words inspired me, and I always wanted you to know that.

Thank you very much.



Name:Michael Pickles
Posted on:September 30, 2010 01:57 PM
Where are you from?: united Kingdom
Referred By: E-Mail
Comments: Hi i,m Michael i love to meet you in real life you are a good singer and a good actor.

Name:Emma Bonnard
Posted on:September 28, 2010 09:48 PM
Where are you from?: Paris (center)
Referred By: Just Surfed On In
Comments: Dear Michael, I just bought your Christmas Album, since it seems that your fans like it. I think that a wonderful thing about your voice is that it's so very easily recognizable (and, off course, it's excellent). You are my favorite Phantom along with Chaney, but you're not dead, which is a great advantage (I think). I wonder if you enjoy reading your fanmail. In your place, I would, if I was so brilliant, famous, etc. I very sincerly hope that you are as happy as you ought to be, an assure you that I am working very hard at converting as much people as I can to PotO worship. With all my admiration, Emma

Name:Philippa Shipman
Posted on:September 27, 2010 08:25 AM
Where are you from?: bingham
Referred By: Just Surfed On In
Comments: Hi Michael great to hear that you're coming to London at last i get to see you up close I will come and see you and I'll ask the palladium nicely if I can see you after the show see ya

Name:Meals on wheels
Posted on:September 24, 2010 07:47 AM
Where are you from?: UK
Referred By: Just Surfed On In
Comments: youre coming home we cant wait,weve missed you lots,March cant come soon enough.We were having lunch at The Dog and Fox on Tuesday and your name came up as it does every now and then,and now this fantastic news,its great to say we will see you you know this all began in 1974...We still shed a tear when we hear I Missed The Last Rainbow.Lots of love Tina and Jill xxx

Name:Carol Swartz
Posted on:September 18, 2010 03:58 PM
Where are you from?: Ornaldo
Referred By: Just Surfed On In
Comments: Greetings and hello, I am such an admirer of Michael. I have great respect for his talent and his professional dedication to his craft. I am a new member and haven't as yet rec'd my packet of information and therefore I am unable to log on to the website. I am in a desperate search to purchase to London Cast CD recording of Barnum. This is rare if not impossible in American to find. I have found it listed on ITunes in Aurstalia but try as I may, I am ubale to make the purchase. Apparently America and Australia aren't linked on Itunes stores. I am desperate for ideas or information on how I can obtain this long sought after CD. I have the DVD, thank you Michael for doing that, I adore that play. I now want the CD. Many thanks for anyone's reply. Best wishes to all Carol - Orlando

Posted on:September 15, 2010 05:10 PM
Where are you from?: Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania, USA
Referred By: Just Surfed On In
Comments: I just saw my third Phantom last Saturday. Unfortunately, none of them were you. However, I took my 10-year-old daughter with me. This allowed me to show her the brilliance and emotions of music. She asked me if I had a copy of "The Music of the Night" and "The Phantom of the Opera" that she could put on her MP3 player. She loved the whole show, but those songs were her favorites. When I was a little older than my daughter, my older sister came home with music to practice for concert band. It was an Andrew Lloyd Weber collection. She bought the Phantom tapes and I fell in love. The sound of your voice was hypnotic,sweet, tender, loving. I could go on forever. then I saw pictures of you without the make-up. I think my heart stopped at some point. You only improve with age. Also, the more I learned about the story, the more I fell in love with the character.I always loved fairy tales as a child. This story is my favorite grown-up fairy tale. My mother has five sisters and all the women in my family love you and any Phantom production. We've always said that "Christine" made the wrong choice. I have read your autobiography many times. I'm happy to say that I was not disappointed. For many reasons. I have a habit of building up people that I admire in my mind. Then I learn more about them and find that I was wrong. After reading your book, I learned that you are exactly who I thought you were: a gentleman and a gentle man. I am a registered nurse. After many long and hectic nights I pop a Michael Crawford CD in and relax on my long drive home. You have been a wonderful inspiration and calming influence on me. Thank-you for sharing your talent and God's gift with the world. I hope that I am lucky enough to meet you some day. My only regret is that I will never get to see you perform as the Phantom.I have copies of other performances. I have Hello Dolly!, The Knack, your concert in Cerritos, Barnum, and I even managed to my hands on Dance of the Vampires. I don't care what the critics say. I liked that one! I could go on and on, but I won't bore you. I always think how nice it would be to be able to sit down and have a cup of coffee with you. Maybe some day. God bless you and your family.

Name:Rita Richardson
Posted on:September 6, 2010 12:26 PM
Where are you from?: Florida USA
Referred By: Just Surfed On In
Comments: I hope and pray that the earthquake in New Zealand did not harm you and yours, and that the recovery efforts across that land go well.

Name:michelle josephs
Posted on:September 5, 2010 06:35 PM
Where are you from?: green bay wisconsin
Referred By: Just Surfed On In
Comments: dear michael how are you iam fine iam so glad i joined your fan club i really love your singing voice i think you have a lovely voice take care love always michelle

Name:Jewel Thibodeau-Walden
Posted on:August 30, 2010 07:25 PM
Where are you from?: Camarillo, CA
Referred By: Just Surfed On In
Comments: Michael, you are the best! I truly am blessed by your voice and have been a fan for many, many, you're easy on the eyes too. Thank you also for your children's charity work as well. Many blessings! 4ever one of your biggest fans!!!! Jewel-PS Would you ever consider doing a duet with Josh or M. Buble or Paul Potts, or Susan Boyle?

Name:Sue Lowe
Posted on:August 28, 2010 03:13 PM
Where are you from?: San Diego, CA
Referred By: Just Surfed On In
Comments: Michael, Well there is the second luncheon of yours to be in October this year. Four lucky ladies have been selected. I will be thinking of all of you on that day- sailing. Do continue to have these lunches. It makes all your fans happy to participate in helping it along. We all love you and want to see you at another MCIFA EVENT very soon! From your WIW Bathrobe Winner!

Posted on:August 17, 2010 06:08 PM
Where are you from?: Georgia
Referred By: Just Surfed On In
Comments: Dear Michael, I am a new fan and could kick myself for not coming to the party 20 yrs ago! I am so amazed by your beautiful voice and astounding versatility. Your Phantom was perfection as well as everything I have seen and heard so far. I just ordered Barnum and can't wait to see you walk a tightrope! Please go on tour again so I can see your greatness live and in person!

Name:heather kay davis
Posted on:August 5, 2010 11:46 AM
Where are you from?: west bountiful,utah
Referred By: Just Surfed On In
Comments: dear michael, i have a crush on you since i was 5 years old and even though i have never seen you as the phantom of the opera you will always be my condorman you are one amazing man i will love you always

Name:Christine Srock
Posted on:August 2, 2010 02:56 PM
Where are you from?: Pinellas Park, FL
Referred By: Just Surfed On In
Comments: I saw "Billy" down in London in the late 78/79 timeframe (I was stationed in the US Navy up in Scotland, and traveled down to London to see this). I saved the play program, and I bought the cassette tape. Over the years, I nearly destroyed the tape (playing it so often). I thought that musical was BY FAR the finest thing I have ever seen in my life. The talent, music, dancing, stage, everything was wonderful. You could not possible walk out of that playhouse without singing "Some of Us Belong to the Stars". Is there any video of this musical? OR , if possible, could I get a copy of the lyrics of the songs? Some of the words I cannot decipher (that danged British accent!), and it's nice to sing along with everything. Thanks again for bringing wonderful music to my home for many many years. Christine Srock Pinellas Park, FL USA

Posted on:July 29, 2010 07:08 AM
Where are you from?: Oldham/Manchester UK
Referred By: Just Surfed On In
Comments: Remembering....some 30+ years ago Palace theatre Manchester when you were in "Billy" my sister and I must have seen it 10+ times and when we didnt have the money for tickets we sat by the stage door all day. Do you remember Michael the big rosettes we made with your face in the always commented on them and laughed....then you went and broke your arm during one of the performances!!! Infact you had a fan club back then which we were one of the first to join I still have your autographed photo you sent us.You have always been a gentleman and have fond memories of my time during school Holidays/weekends sitting waiting for you outside the theatre sometimes cold and wet but you always had a word for us....Thanks for the memories xxxx

Name:michelle josephs
Posted on:July 27, 2010 11:15 AM
Where are you from?:
Referred By: Just Surfed On In
Comments: dear michael i think you are a wonderful person and you will always have a special place in my heart take care love always michelle

Name:Grace Gray
Posted on:July 16, 2010 04:40 PM
Where are you from?: Canada
Referred By: Just Surfed On In
Comments: I have followed M.C.'s career for many years - and listen to his various recordings many times. I wish him all the best. I hope he sees his daughters and grandchildren often. His show in Vancouver some years ago was cancelled - Michael I got my money back! Saw him in EFX - wonderful.

Name:Emma Bonnard
Posted on:July 15, 2010 10:39 PM
Where are you from?: Paris
Referred By: Just Surfed On In
Comments: Dear Michael Crawford, it is quite strange how easily I can annoy people when I talk abt the PotO(too enthusiastically or too long, maybe). Otherwise, I love you as Frank Spencer, you are simply hilarious in that role (Oooo, Betty!). By the way, is it really harder to play comic roles than tragic roles? And also, how young did you start singing?

Posted on:July 15, 2010 04:20 PM
Where are you from?: ohio
Referred By: Just Surfed On In
Comments: Nothing on cable so I put in Hello Dolly and all of a sudden my two granddaughters (4 and 5) came running up the stairs--"That's Wall-e voice". They watched you sing and dance. I then put in my Barnum video. Wow Grandma, he can juggle and magic too. Then I let him listen to the same tape of Phantom that their Dad and Uncle listen to during dinner. Now- when we are in the car ---Move over Hannah Montana and Selena Gomaz. they want to listen to Michael Crawford. Hope you and your family is safe and healthy---Best Wishes

Name:Rita Richardson
Posted on:July 15, 2010 10:08 AM
Where are you from?: Florida, USA
Referred By: Just Surfed On In
Comments: Will you do another CD or live DVD of show tunes? If so, could you include "This Nearly Was Mine" from South Pacific and "On the Street Where You Live" from My Fair Lady? That voice is too good to retire!

Name:Timmothy Scalf
Posted on:July 14, 2010 02:16 AM
Where are you from?: virginia
Referred By: Just Surfed On In
Comments: I learned more about michael cause after watching Once Upon A Forest for the 113th time. I wanted to know more about him, and so I came across this website, I'll ask my dad for some money so I can join :)

Posted on:June 27, 2010 08:37 AM
Where are you from?: sheffield
Referred By: Just Surfed On In
Comments: hi michael how are you

Name:elaine wulff
Posted on:June 23, 2010 10:55 AM
Where are you from?: Ohio
Referred By: Just Surfed On In
Comments: Thank you again for the opportunity to buy an autograph picture and that it goes to such a good cause. The person who received it, my son, just got a role in a non-musical version of Phantom of the Opera. He had tried out for the Phantom role. He was hoping to channeling the "inner Crawford" that he has learned to respect as a student of theater but he got the role of Raoul instead. He was so happy to get to be in a play that he has grown up enjoying. We will also be seeing the Cleveland Playhouse Square production as a family this summer. Hope you and your family is healthy and happy.

Name:Jayne Merchant
Posted on:June 17, 2010 10:55 AM
Where are you from?: Oklahoma
Referred By: Just Surfed On In
Comments: You have been my favorite for years - listen to you all the time and you make my heart skip beats.

Name:Ricky Howsare
Posted on:June 16, 2010 12:26 PM
Where are you from?: Pennsylvania
Referred By: Just Surfed On In
Comments: I absolutely love your voice Michael Crawford. I own probably every single album you have ever produced haha. I loved you in Phantom and my favorite, most will disagree, but I just loved you insanely in the Dance of the Vampires, I don't know how that ever flopped because I just loved it, you were so funny and what vocals you showed in it!! Hope to hear back from you sometime, also (PS) Is there a cast recording of the Dance of the Vampires because if so I want it, but I cant find it. Thanks!

Posted on:June 15, 2010 07:06 AM
Where are you from?: Toledo, Ohio
Referred By: Just Surfed On In
Comments: I moved to Scotland from Ohio seven years ago and am always homesick...but I grew up listening to Michael, and when I walk down the street here listening to him on my mp3, it feels like there's an old friend from home with me! He was kind enough to write and congratulate me on my marriage a couple of years ago, so I keep his little autographed picture next to my desk at work. What a guy. :)

Just recently saw The War Lover for the first time and really enjoyed it, not just for Michael but for Steve McQueen as well! Nice to see something 'new'.

Michael, if you record again, I wonder if you'd consider 'Till I Hear You Sing Again' from Love Never Dies...the one great song in the musical. And Ramin Karimloo is lovely but I keep wondering how our quintessential Phantom would sing it!

Name:Richard Hernandez
Posted on:June 8, 2010 02:10 PM
Where are you from?: The Colony, Texas
Referred By: Just Surfed On In
Comments: After my mom talked about how great you were in Phantom, i never paid attention. But one night i became curious to see you perform. So when i saw you, you blew my mind! I love the way you sing and perform! Brilliant and will always be a fan forever!

Posted on:June 4, 2010 11:26 AM
Where are you from?: pittsburg
Referred By: Just Surfed On In
Comments: i loved you in the phantom of the opera i saw you as the phantom in toronto

Name:Yvette Jackson
Posted on:May 31, 2010 10:15 PM
Where are you from?: Shellharbour, Down Under
Referred By: Just Surfed On In
Comments: WOW WOW WOW WOW WOW!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I just came home sick from school, in the middle of PE. i got home and checked the mail box. i saw a letter addressed: To Miss Yvette Jackson. I started screaming and jumping around like a headless chook! i was so amazed by the letter that I recieved from The Angel of Music. And I tell you Michael, I will not use your picture as a dartboard! :-P You have made me feel better already and I can't wait to show your autograph to my Phantom on Friday! This is the best day of my life so far :) Thankyou for sharing the happieness, I Blu-Tacked the picture to my wall where I can always see it ( I havn't been sleeping well at all for the past 2 months so it could help!). Yours Truely, Yvette Jackson <3 <3 <3 xoxoxoxoxox :)

Name:Karen G
Posted on:May 17, 2010 12:42 PM
Where are you from?: Isle of Wight UK
Referred By: From a Friend
Comments: Am an old friend of the MCIFA - just popped in to say hello and wish you all well. Don't hear much about Mikey these days - IOW is a small place. Hope all is going well. Best wishes to all. Keep up the good work x

Name:gordon pike
Posted on:May 8, 2010 07:58 AM
Where are you from?: christchurch new zealand
Referred By: Just Surfed On In
Comments: hi Michael after many years of watching you on tv and listening to you sing it came as a nice surprise after reading your book parcel arrived safely : tied with string that we have a family connection via montague pike who of course married your grandmother my wife and i are tracing family history and my ancestors on the pike side were indeed coachmen and coach builders we are also related to thomas a beckett, hope to see you perform sometime, cheers( gordon )

Name:Gloria Meyers
Posted on:May 6, 2010 02:22 PM
Where are you from?: California
Referred By: Just Surfed On In
Comments: Michael, all your beloved fans including me, miss you. Enjoy whatever you are doing, but return to us as soon as possible.I hope I don't sound selfish but Michael over the years you have spoiled us tremendously and we need to see you occasionally!!!....

Name:Rita Richardson
Posted on:May 5, 2010 09:42 AM
Where are you from?: Florida
Referred By: Just Surfed On In
Comments: I must be the newest fan. I was only familiar with his American movies, never heard the Phantom score until very recently. I was immediately hooked and am catching up with this work. I was impressed that he's so honest about himself and open about his spiritual side. I hope he just keeps on goind and going like the energizer bunny!

Posted on:April 26, 2010 04:32 AM
Where are you from?: Peachester Australia
Referred By: Just Surfed On In
Comments: Hi Michael

Went and saw your concert at Coolum on the Sunshine Coast, took my ten year old son. Just woundering when or if you will be coming to Australia to do another concert, really enjoyed the concert at Coolum.

Have been following you since your TV appearance in Some Mothers Do Have Em, as well as a great actor your voice is, well can't put it into words.

Hope you can make it back to Australia sooner then later.

Kinds Regards

Leanne Peachester Qld Australia

Name:Steve Deer
Posted on:April 25, 2010 01:18 AM
Where are you from?: Knoxville, TN USA
Referred By: Just Surfed On In
Comments: Our favorite movie you ever did was Condor Man! You were great! I've often wondered if they ever did a Condor Man II. Did they? I know the end of the moview was set-up for one! I can't find where they did but would love to know if they did! Thanks for all you do for the children!

Name:Bill Bly
Posted on:April 19, 2010 03:08 AM
Where are you from?: Oklahoma, USA
Referred By: Just Surfed On In
Comments: This is a wonderful site. Michael is a marvelous singer!!!!

Name:e. wulff
Posted on:April 18, 2010 09:02 AM
Where are you from?: Ohio U.S.A.
Referred By: Just Surfed On In
Comments: My son just received your autographed picture I purchased from your charity(Thanks Roxie). He was overwhemed. He is a fan as well as I am (for many years). We saw Phantom in Cleveland and the actor who performed your role was not what my son ( age 11 at the time)thought the character should be doing on stage. There was a meet and greet for Pediatrics Aids Fundraiser which we attended. He went right to the actor and just told him how he felt about his performance. I glad that the actor was ok with hearing "That's not how Micheal Crawford did it." Even though my son never saw you perform it. Now my son is a Theater Arts Major but not singing but comedy. Thank you for the choices you have made in your career that makes it so easy for families to enjoy your work.

Name:Emma Bonnard
Posted on:April 3, 2010 02:14 PM
Where are you from?: Paris
Referred By: Just Surfed On In
Comments: Dear Michael, I like your voice very much, but I will not start praising you, because some things cannot possibly be expressed by words. Everybody knows that you were the best Phantom ever and that all the interpretations of the role after you were inspired by your performances. You are even mentionned in High School Musical 1, even though I doubt it is a positive fact.I am a fan of the Phantom of the Opera in general, I love the novel and the various adaptations on the screen. I will check out some of your other CDs.I hope you enjoy good health.

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