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All messages will be forwarded to Michael, but individual replies will not be sent.

Name:Kevin Pilz
Posted on:January 21, 2008 01:51 PM
Where are you from?: Johannesburg, South Africa
Referred By: Just Surfed On In
Comments: We still enjoy watching you in South Africa, you are, and will always be, the best

Name:Cara Gleaves
Posted on:January 19, 2008 05:46 PM
Where are you from?: Untied States
Referred By: Just Surfed On In
Comments: Hi Michael, I was just wanting to wish you a very Happy Birthday. Hope it's a good one. Cara Gleaves

Posted on:January 19, 2008 02:19 PM
Where are you from?: Virginia, USA
Referred By: Search Engine
Comments: Tried to send this before. It was never posted.

Happy Birthday Michael! Age doesn't matter. You're still HOT! Love, Betty

Posted on:January 19, 2008 01:48 PM
Where are you from?: Berkshire UK
Referred By: Just Surfed On In
Comments: 19th January 2008.

Happy Birthday, Mike! I can't believe you are 66 already! You'll catch me up soon! Hear you left St.John's Wharf - hope you are happy?

Name:D. Earle
Posted on:January 19, 2008 01:27 PM
Where are you from?: Montgomery, AL
Referred By: Just Surfed On In
Comments: I'm just writing to wish Michael a happy 66th birthday. This January 19th will be one for the record books at my end, too. We've had snow today, and that hasn't happened here in six years. Well, once again, happy birthday, Micahel, and best wishes to everyone on this site.

Name:Lorna Gregory
Posted on:January 19, 2008 05:22 AM
Where are you from?: England
Referred By: Just Surfed On In
Comments: Hi Michael - just wanted to wish you a very happy birthday. Here's hoping you have a great day. when are you going to come to the UK and perform a concert? I would love it if you would come to my home town of Bournemouth - I will be in the front row!!!! Again here's wishing you a very happy birthday.

Posted on:January 19, 2008 05:16 AM
Where are you from?: newcastleunderlyme
Referred By: Just Surfed On In
Comments: hi wishing you many happy returns hope you have a lovely day with your family and friends hope the details of the tour are comming together.

Name:Bracha Leib
Posted on:January 19, 2008 02:05 AM
Where are you from?: Denver Colorado
Referred By: Just Surfed On In
Comments: Dear Mr. Crawford,

I want to wish you a Happy Birthday and all the best.

I hope to see you on your Concert Tour in Denver Colorado.


Bracha Leib

Name:Betty M
Posted on:January 19, 2008 01:11 AM
Where are you from?: Chesapeake, VA USA
Referred By: Search Engine
Comments: Happy Birthday Michael! Don,t worry about your age. You're still HOT!

Love, Betty

Posted on:January 18, 2008 11:46 PM
Where are you from?: USA
Referred By: Just Surfed On In
Comments: Let me be the first to wish you a happy birthday, Michael! I hope you have a nice day.

Posted on:January 18, 2008 09:34 PM
Where are you from?: Hong Kong
Referred By: Just Surfed On In
Comments: Happy Birthday, Michael and may you have a wonderful, prosperous new year! For more than two years now I've been a great fan of yours and already your music and humble, determined spirit have definitely had a profound impact on my life and which I hope will continue to do so especially since I'm going to have some pretty big changes this year as I plan to go to the UK and start my university studies.

We're all looking forward to the 2008 PBS special and wish you good luck with it, Michael!

Posted on:January 18, 2008 03:05 PM
Where are you from?: TOLEDO OHIO
Referred By: Just Surfed On In

Posted on:January 17, 2008 08:05 PM
Where are you from?: New Jersey, USA
Referred By: Just Surfed On In
Comments: hi, Mr. Crawford. i just want to say "thank you so much" for returning my letter (which i just got today). i know that i can't even imagine how busy you must be and for you to take the time, out of your busy schedule, to read my letter and write one back means a lot to me. thank you very much again.

Posted on:January 17, 2008 11:57 AM
Where are you from?: n.ireland
Referred By: Search Engine
Comments: hi. im only 13yrs old, but ever since i was tiny i have loved "some mothers do 'ave 'em" and was always very annoyed when it wasnt on the tv! 2 years ago i discovered the phantom of the opera and ever since i have a (healthy?) obbsession with it! i went to see it in london resently but it didnt compare to you singing it, even though ramin karimloo was brill. you hav the most amazing voice and you are my altime favourite singer and entertainer! i really hope to be able to see you in concert somtime... its my dream to talk to you.

thank you for reading this...

susie x

Name:Sharon Hames
Posted on:January 17, 2008 01:32 AM
Where are you from?: lucerne valley, ca
Referred By: Just Surfed On In
Comments: Hello Michael, I am just wondering when there is going to be an update to your website. I don't have the spare money to join MCIFA, so the only info I can get is off the home page. It hasn't changed in a long time. Are you still planning a PBS tour?? I was fortunate to see Trans Siberian Orchestra and wished you were there singing O Holy Night. I love that DVD. Hope your new year is going well.

Posted on:January 14, 2008 07:15 AM
Where are you from?: Nottingham, UK
Referred By: Just Surfed On In
Comments: Hi Michael

We met a number of times in London when you were performing Barnum & Phantom of the Opera.

I was incredibly ill at the time and you helped me on the road to recovery.

Fit & well now - would love to make contact again.

Name:Aaron Bissell
Posted on:January 13, 2008 06:21 PM
Where are you from?: Boston, MA
Referred By: Search Engine
Comments: Hi, I'm Aaron i am 14 years old. I've been a fan of yours for years. I LOVE the Phantom of the Opera! It's my favorite show! I would love to know when you'll be doing concerts and plays. You are my favorite singer and performer!

Posted on:January 13, 2008 10:41 AM
Where are you from?: Canada
Referred By: Just Surfed On In
Comments: When are you coming back to Canada? We miss your presence in concert. I'm a great fan of all your work. Your music has brought so much into my life, and for that I thank you from the bottom of my heart. Continued success and happiness in 2008

Name:Philippa Shipman
Posted on:January 11, 2008 04:57 AM
Where are you from?: Bingham
Referred By: Just Surfed On In

Name:Madeleine Lidbetter
Posted on:January 2, 2008 12:33 AM
Where are you from?: Land of OZ (Australia)
Referred By: Just Surfed On In
Comments: Hey Michael! i've just got your letter, it ROCKS! i could'nt stop screaming! thanx for the autographed photo! (i can't beleived you touched it, I'll never wash my hand again!) All the best in 08! god bless, Madeleine xxx

Name:melanie chell
Posted on:January 1, 2008 08:48 AM
Where are you from?: newcastle underlyme
Referred By: Just Surfed On In
Comments: hi wishing you a happy new year hope all is well and you had a good christmas good luck with the concerts when ever they are.

Posted on:December 31, 2007 09:27 PM
Where are you from?: New Jersey, USA
Referred By: Just Surfed On In
Comments: I just want to wish Mr. Crawford, all of Mr. Crawford's family members, and all of the members of the MCIFA a safe and Happy New Years.

I was wondering if you could possibly make Philadelphia one of your stops on your tour. It would be so rewarding, if I could see one of your concerts.

Name:Jeanne Ryan
Posted on:December 31, 2007 06:44 PM
Where are you from?: Pennsylvania, USA
Referred By: Just Surfed On In
Comments: I decided to see if you had a fan site, I surely hope you read your emails. My husband passed away a year ago and listening to your music has gotten me through a lot of tough days. I have never written to anyone before, but I wanted you to know how much your music has helped me, and my husband bought each one for me. I wish you Peace and Love in the new year. Sincerely, Jeanne Ryan

Posted on:December 30, 2007 07:11 AM
Where are you from?: I've been around
Referred By: Just Surfed On In
Comments: Just wanted to wish everybody a "Happy New Year!" And a "good luck" to Mr. Crawford with his concert. Yours truly, Tilli

Name:karen (Night nurse cheshire)
Posted on:December 24, 2007 04:22 PM
Where are you from?: cheshire United Kingdom
Referred By: Just Surfed On In
Comments: Dear Michael and family,

just to wish you all the very best for Christmas 2007 and good health, luck and a little wealth for 2008... if you find yourself reading this could you please send me birthday wishes, my brithday is new years eve.. well I can hope.

To all of michaels fans, "happy christmas and all the best for the new year from my family to yours" x

karen x

Name:Arleen McCambridge
Posted on:December 17, 2007 09:17 AM
Where are you from?: New York City
Referred By: Search Engine
Comments: To Mr. Crawford; My name is Arleen. I am writing in for a friend of mine who is the biggest fan of yours ever scince seeing you in Phantom. Her biggest dream is to dance with her at her suprise birthday ball at the Paris Opera House. Failing this, I was wondering if you could sign a birthday card for her. Her name is Ann London and her birthday is Dec. 21. I understand it is late for this year but I could save it next. I would be happy to send you the birthday card if that would make it easier. Thank You Arleen

Name:Philip & Janet Palmer
Posted on:December 17, 2007 08:02 AM
Where are you from?:
Referred By: Just Surfed On In
Comments: Hi Michael

Your version of Oh Holy Night has been played at least three times a day (by request) on 99.9 kez Phoenix Arizona, Must admit its my favourite version also,We purchased a dvd with you singing this carol with the Siberian Orchestra a very good show, To you and your family and fans have a very safe and happy festive season, Bless Philip & Janet Palmer Apache Junction Arizona (formally of Birmingham England)

Name:Jenny Johnston
Posted on:December 16, 2007 11:46 PM
Where are you from?: Ulladulla NSW Australia
Referred By: Just Surfed On In
Comments: Hi Michael, I wish you and all your family a great Christmas and all the best for 2008. Hope you have a lovely time with your grandchildren. I look forward to another great year with MCIFA. Jenny Johnston.

Posted on:December 16, 2007 04:15 PM
Where are you from?: USA
Referred By: Just Surfed On In
Comments: I think Michael Crawford is such a good singer. I really want to hear Peace, Peace/ Silent Night

Posted on:December 16, 2007 11:27 AM
Where are you from?: Essex
Referred By: Just Surfed On In
Comments: I would love to hear update on Michael. I heard a while back that he suffered from ill health so I'm hoping he recoverd from all that. He has brought so much joy to many but also remained unaffected by fame.

I watched the Phantom but unfortunately not when Michael had the starring role. It would have been great to have listened to his wonderful voice on stage.

Should you read this, then have a great Christmas and be very proud on what you have achieved in life and bringing happiness to many.


Name:karen (night nurse)
Posted on:December 15, 2007 10:36 AM
Where are you from?: Cheshire, United Kingdom
Referred By: Just Surfed On In
Comments: Dear Michael,

How are you? I hoep this finds you happy and in good health.

My brother in new zealnad has upset me as he said he saw you last year, but he did not say where, but as my brother is always travelling around I have no idea where until I get to ask him. I am so envious.

It's good to see your fans here and to know that we all have good taste in music and share things in common, so hello to your fellow fans.

Wishign you happy times to you and your loved ones.

All good wishes, karen

Name:Cara Gleaves
Posted on:December 8, 2007 08:44 PM
Where are you from?: Untied States
Referred By: Just Surfed On In
Comments: Hi Michael, I just was wanting to wish you and your family a Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year. I have been listening to your Christmas album a lot lately, and I love every moment of it. It'll definitely be on my favorite Christmas cds list for every year. Cara Gleaves

Name:Sabrina McGinness
Posted on:December 8, 2007 04:38 PM
Where are you from?: Newcastle Upon Tyne
Referred By: Just Surfed On In



Name:Nancy S.
Posted on:December 5, 2007 09:53 PM
Where are you from?: Long Island, New York
Referred By: Search Engine
Comments: Well, What can I say about someone whose voice I've known when Phantom of the Opera came out when I was little? As a current graduate student, I have to study a lot. Michael's voice perfect to listen to and is motivating. I like the fact that he loves both his family, friends, fans, all of humankind! Keep up the good work and be the good person I believe you are.

Name:karen (night nurse)
Posted on:December 4, 2007 11:12 AM
Where are you from?: Chehsire, United kingdom
Referred By: Just Surfed On In
Comments: Hi to Michael and all whom love his music and have followed his career.

I am not sure if Michael ever has time to read messages or post sent to him but I hope he does as I sent an early card to him and hope he at least looks at it... it has travelled a long way.

One of my nurse collagues sent me some more recent photos via e mail so sweet of her. Seeing even non fans appreciate your talent, good looks etc.. sorry could not resist.

On nights I listen to various artists whilst goign through one of those rare quiet periods and i usually check out this site.

Wishing everyone good health and a wonderful day.

karen x

Posted on:November 29, 2007 06:25 AM
Where are you from?: Britain
Referred By: Just Surfed On In
Comments: Hi, no idea if Michael actually reads any of these but it would be so good if he did wouldn't it? Just wanted to say that I have turned to your voice in times of darkness for many years now and everytime it lifts my spirits and does something magical to my soul that I can't explain. Michael, you are a very special person nd as you can see from the many messages on here, through the messages from people of all ages and backgrounds, you are very much loved. I hope you know and feel that. Suppose that might sound a bit melodramatic but it's true! Without knowing it you've been apart of my life since I was a little girl and I thank you from the bottom of my heart. I hope you are very happy and well. Take care. xx

Name:Karen (night nurse)
Posted on:November 27, 2007 06:25 PM
Where are you from?:
Referred By: Just Surfed On In
Comments: Dear Michael,

I can hardly believe that it was 2004 when I last saw you in london. It was and is my only visit to our capital.

I had my first and only visit to our capital to see your show, I was nervous as London is big city compared to cheshire where I live. It was well worth the time cost etc, totally fab to see you... I shall start saving so I can see you again, which I hope will be possible.

May I say hello to all your fans across the world. keep supporting this wonderful man.

All the best, karen (night nurse in the uk)

Posted on:November 27, 2007 06:17 PM
Where are you from?: Chehsire. Uk
Referred By: Just Surfed On In
Comments: Hi Michael, I hope you are well and that we see you performing in the Uk, I love the serious a d funny side to your personality.

I sent an early card to your address given on the site here.

Best wishes from this night nurse.

God bless, karen

Name:Liza Easdale
Posted on:November 27, 2007 12:53 AM
Where are you from?: Southern CA
Referred By: Search Engine
Comments: Hi Michael, Just wanted to say (or type) thank you for sharing your magnificent voice with the world. And, can you maybe stop somewhere near LA County on an upcoming tour? That would be great.

Posted on:November 22, 2007 01:24 PM
Where are you from?: New Jersey, USA
Referred By: Just Surfed On In
Comments: I just want to wish Mr. Crawford, all of Mr. Crawford's family members, all the members of the MCIFA, and all of Mr. Crawford's fans a Happy Thanksgiving! Happy Thanksgiving, everyone!

Posted on:November 21, 2007 05:18 AM
Where are you from?: Cheshire, England, Uk
Referred By: Just Surfed On In
Comments: Dear Michael,

I have completed a birthday card, so be it a little early. I shall post it in the next few dasy as it has many miles to travel. Did you know you look more lovely as you mature.

Your music gives me a sense of peace and calmness.

God Bless, Karen

Posted on:November 20, 2007 02:24 PM
Where are you from?: Chester, Cheshire
Referred By: Just Surfed On In
Comments: Dera Michael, followed your career for along time, I have made a special card for your forthcoming birthday, but am not sure where I can send it so if anyone can let me know I would much appreciate it.

Wishing you good health and hello to all your fmaily and fans.


Name:Heather Orozco
Posted on:November 19, 2007 02:05 PM
Where are you from?: Bartlett, Tennessee
Referred By: Just Surfed On In
Comments: Well hello from Tennessee.

I just want to tell you that I am so glad that you are able to use the talent that God gave you to give to others. I wish others would follow your example. I so enjoy your music and I can always pick out your voice. I have seen many shows but Phantom of the Opera is my favorite and you as the Phantom cannot be compared. Thank you so much, as I have passed on my passion to my daughter and even my son has been dragged along to enjoy, even confessing it was "good." Wishing you and yours a happy Thanksgiving and God bless you all.

Heather Orozco

Name:Victoria Sahm
Posted on:November 14, 2007 05:43 PM
Where are you from?: Syracuse, NY
Referred By: Just Surfed On In
Comments: Hello,

I was wondering when Michael was performing again? He has such a wonderful voice that melts my heart every time I hear it!



Name:Victoria Sahm
Posted on:November 13, 2007 03:42 PM
Where are you from?: Baldwinsville, NY
Referred By: Search Engine
Comments: Hi Michael,

I just wanted to say how amazing you are. I saw you play the phantom twice when I was younger and your beautiful voice and acting has moved me. Some say its an obsession but I believe that it is just an amazing production and great music. I've seen it twice since then, and also the movie but for some reason it isn't the same. Don't get me wrong, the other actors and actresses have great talent and are great in that position but they don't compare to your passion and drive that you put into the character. Once I saw the production I really related to the phantom. I think anyone can. People that feel left out or shunned because of their physical features. Every time I see the production I cry because I can say I know how the phantom feels. I believe you made that character come to life more than anyone and appreciate your talent. I hope one day I will see you in concert again. My wish is that maybe you would play the phantom one more time?!? Hopeful thinking! God bless!!!

Victoria Sahm Avid Phantom Phan

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