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All messages will be forwarded to Michael, but individual replies will not be sent.

Posted on:August 21, 2004 04:38 PM
Where are you from?: ,USA
Referred By: Just Surfed On In
Comments: Dear Michael, Best of luck with Woman in White. I wish you the best with it!! Have fun in the show!!! I hope it'll come to Broadway in the near future so I can see it and you!:)

Name:Taylor M
Posted on:August 18, 2004 02:28 AM
Where are you from?: ,MN
Referred By: Just Surfed On In
Comments: It seems just yesterday,I was being my old self,when my mother came to me and said that we are going to the Andrew Lloyd Webber's The Phantom of the Opera but I was not very into it, I didn't want to go,anyways,my mother bot the me a CD called Highlights from the phantom of the opera,and when I herd Michael Crawford I just flipped in the car,I just have never herd such a soft,com,and gentle voice in all of my lifetime,and thanks to that,the play was fantastic,and when I thot of Michael's voice,Gary Mauer,who played the phantom,was better than ever,so I'v been into Michael Crawford ever sinns, and if you are wise,and very smart,you will buy all of his CDS ,and if it's showing anywhere go see The Phantom of the Opera,and The Woman in White.


Name:Taylor M
Posted on:August 18, 2004 01:37 AM
Where are you from?: ,MN
Referred By: Just Surfed On In

Name:Andrew Jones
Posted on:August 3, 2004 11:21 AM
Where are you from?: ,Burton On Trent
Referred By: Search Engine
Comments: Hi Michael

Just to contratulate you on a wonder career in entertainment. I am only 17 , but Some Mother's Do Av Em is part of our family!. I also love phanton of the opera with you in it. Music of the night is absolutely brilliant. Well Done

Andrew Jones

Name:Danny Gee
Posted on:August 1, 2004 04:05 PM
Where are you from?: ,Bridgwater, Somerset
Referred By: Just Surfed On In
Comments: Dear Michael,

I am not old enough to have seen you as the Phantom, but I am glad that the OLC on double CD exists! I have seen the Phantom of the Opera 7 times in the last 2 years and I loved it so much! I am glad that my partner bought me a selection of your CDs, and a ticket to see you in The Woman In White.

It is such a pity that you were not in the forthcoming Phantom movie, but I guess we can't have everything.

I also enjoyed your autobiography, it was as if you were there on the sofa talking to me.

Keep up the good work...


Name:Elaine Symmons
Posted on:August 1, 2004 11:16 AM
Where are you from?: ,Almondsbury, UK
Referred By: Just Surfed On In
Comments: Hi Michael,

I would just like to say how wonderful you were in EFX which I saw many years while visiting Las Vegas. I bought the CD of the performance and let my mum borrow it. She was going through a very rough period in her life, and it was your music from EFX that helped her through. She still asks to borrow the CD when she visits us in Spain. She just lies in the sun listening to your music. I've contacted your Fan Club to see if it is possible to purchase a DVD/Video of the performance so that my mum can enjoy the full experience. It was truly one of the most magnificent performances I've ever seen. I took my new husband to see the show about three years ago, but to my disappointment it was David Cassidy that was in it. Needless to say the show, in my eyes, was a total let down as all your fabulous duets were no longer performed! Why put such a light weight performer in such a superb show! Anyway, hopefully we'll get to see you in London in 2004. Good luck with the new production.

Posted on:July 31, 2004 01:46 PM
Where are you from?: ,London, Ontario
Referred By: Just Surfed On In
Comments: Hi Michael, best of luck to you all in september...

Name:Samantha Ringhand
Posted on:July 28, 2004 09:19 PM
Where are you from?: ,Livermore, California
Referred By: Search Engine
Comments: Hi Michael! My mother took me to see Phantom of the Opera for the first time a few years ago, and we both loved it so much we bought the soundtrack.. It was then that I fell in love with your voice! Since then I have memorized the entire soundtrack and I listen to it almost everyday. When I can't get to sleep, I listen to Music of the Night. You sing it so beautifully it brings tears to my eyes! I have been listening to demos of other songs you sing that are available on this site, and I am very pleased to find that I can hear the Phantom in all of them ;) I am absolutely in love with the Phantom, and with you! Maybe for my 16th birthday I'll ask to become a member of this site. That would be the perfect gift! Your voice is so amazing, keep singing!

Love always,


Posted on:July 27, 2004 05:39 PM
Where are you from?: ,USA
Referred By: Just Surfed On In
Comments: It's me again Micheal. You are the best singer. I practicaly know all the parts by heart. I was afraid to go into middle school because i thought i would be made fun of because i love the Phantom of the Opera. My brothers always make fun of me for singing. I have seen the movie,read the book,and listened to the music. Your voice is great. You rock!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Posted on:July 27, 2004 05:33 PM
Where are you from?: ,USA
Referred By: Just Surfed On In
Comments: I loved you in The Phantom of the Opera. You where great. I didn't see you because right now i'm only 11. But I listen to your CD you made. I always listen to it. You are my singing idol.

Name:Miss Narelle Weatherall
Posted on:July 27, 2004 04:23 AM
Where are you from?: ,Australia
Referred By: Just Surfed On In
Comments: Hello I have been a fan(although I kind of dislike that word) since I was given the sound track of the Musical Billy when I was in my late teens. I totally fell in love with that show and have always longed to see it and of course have become an ardent supporter of Mr Crawford ever since I am a funny kind of fan since I realise entertaining is a job of sorts this I know as I used to be a dancer and these days I am a sort of school teacher so I never quite know what to say to those whose work I SO admire, I feel some what silly going up to a stage door to say gee I loved your show though when i was much younger I might have still I would like you to know how very much my family and I all admire and respect you and eagerly long to see you on the Tv when you come to town or when you visit to perform there is so much about you as a person which says yes indeed you would be some one with whom we would get on with Champion! All of us in my family and there are many of us send you our very warmest love and good wishes and many blessings please dont hesitate to email me any time and if you have an Australian arm of the club I would like to join. when might you visit Sydney again to perform for us as perhaps I will bring my class (they would be so impressed) they are just gorgous children again my very best wishes Narelle Weatherall

Name:Patricia Learnard
Posted on:July 24, 2004 06:50 PM
Where are you from?: ,South Carolina
Referred By: Search Engine
Comments: I have loved Michael Crawford for years! My husband and I saw him in person in Charlotte, NC. I believe that was in 1991/92. He was wonderful. Love his singing, too. His Christmas Album is one of my favorites.

Posted on:July 24, 2004 05:10 AM
Where are you from?: ,USA-Pittsburgh
Referred By: Just Surfed On In
Comments: Hi1 I've been a fan for a very long time. I first fell in love with Michael Crawford when I heard him sing his role in "Phantom". I think that he has the most beautiful voice that I've ever heard. Thank-you for sharing what God gave you with the rest of the world.

Name:Maree Anne Peterson
Posted on:July 23, 2004 12:37 PM
Where are you from?: ,COWRA- NSW-AUSTRALIA
Referred By: Search Engine
Comments: Hello long time since I done anything, was going to renew my Membership before 9/11 but after that I forgot completely, could you please send me information on how to join again, as I was a member a few yrs ago, I still love your work Michael, your so talented, I listened to my Old Phantom Cd today, and thought I'd just say hello

Name:Claire Zammit
Posted on:July 21, 2004 04:16 PM
Where are you from?: ,Malta
Referred By: Just Surfed On In
Comments: Hi Michael your voice is eternal, I know Phantom of the Opera by heart.I saw it 2 years ago in West End and every time I listen to the CD I close my eyes and remember every detail.You are great.Claire from Malta.

Posted on:July 19, 2004 05:34 PM
Where are you from?: ,Grapevine, TX
Referred By: Just Surfed On In
Comments: I believe if God had a voice it would sound just like yours, Michael. I'm so glad your grandmother convinced you to sing! Your voice and the songs you sing bring more enjoyment and inspiration to others than you will ever know. God Bless You, I can't wait to hear what you come out with next!

Name:brooke deroule
Posted on:July 15, 2004 05:22 PM
Where are you from?: ,medford oregon
Referred By: Web Ring
Comments: hello I love your play the phantom of the opera and I know by heart and I am olny 10 years old but i realy want to meet you that would be a dream come true to me I love you bye

Name:Janie Compton
Posted on:July 14, 2004 04:48 AM
Where are you from?:
Referred By: Search Engine
Comments: Michael!

I have, for many years, been fascinated by your immense and wide-ranging talents, none of which need listing here. I have been in hysterics over “Frank”, in amazement over “Barnum”, in tears (with my daughter, Emma, now 20) over “Phantom” and in sympathy listening to your “Since You Stayed Here”.

Last evening I was captivated watching an interview/profile of you (produced, I now realise, probably seven or eight years ago) centred primarily around the phenomenal creation and implementation of EFX in Las Vegas, which, sadly, I never saw, but also recapping your extraordinary life, much of which I never knew.

At that time, there seemed to be an intrinsic loneliness and sadness behind your laughing eyes, the reason for which you made no secret, and my heart went out to you. I am unaware of where your private life has taken you since that time, but I truly hope you have found the peace and happiness you so deserve. I believe you to be the owner of a magnificent soul and this planet has been enriched for your having shared it.

I am unsure as to whether you actually receive and/or read any of these “fan letters” but I thank you sincerely for the last thirty years or so and wish you continued success in September with “The Woman in White”.

Drop us a line when you're next "Down Under"!!

Name:Stephanie Pigeon
Posted on:July 6, 2004 01:35 AM
Where are you from?: ,Calgary, Canada
Referred By: Just Surfed On In
Comments: Michael, I have loved your voice since first hearing you sing the Phantom, when I was 13. I wore the tape out, playing it over and over again, and bought-up every recording and video I could find of yours! Thank you for sharing your gift with us. I am delighted to hear that you will be returning to the West End in September! Congratulations and blessings.

Name:James & Maree Baker
Posted on:July 5, 2004 11:21 PM
Where are you from?: ,Avalon, Sydney , Australia
Referred By: Search Engine
Comments: Michael, Michael, Michael, What a treasure to the world of magnificent voice! Thank You. Maree & I enjoyed Phantom in Sydney some years back and also delighted in your brief but treasured personal performance in (what I think was known as) "The Music of Andrew Lloyd Webber & Friends" Last week we saw an early Parkinson....'tied up with string...' Now we read of your new venture "The Woman in White" opening in September. We will be in London in September with our very closest friends and a West End theatre visit was already on on our agenda. Just what show, has now been decided for us (though not the booking, yet). Finally, I can't help but reflect on the sentiment of Elizabeth Malcolm, May 26 in your Guestbook...what a perfectly accuate appraisel of your talent and your personality. We would delight in meeting you after your performance. I will make some enquiries as to whether you are granting any time with your audiences. Thank you again Sir. We will go on enjoying your talents for years and years.


James & Maree Baker

Name:Kenneth U. Okereafor
Posted on:July 5, 2004 11:53 AM
Where are you from?: ,Nigeria
Referred By: Just Surfed On In
Comments: Hi Michael Crawford, It is nice knowing you through your hilarious performances on Some Mother Do 'Ave 'Em. You are simply a genius. Your climax is not complete until you come to perform in the most vibrant, peaceful and fastest-developing country on Earth, NIGERIA.

Where is Michele Dotrice now? Come with her.


Posted on:June 25, 2004 05:24 PM
Where are you from?: ,Pensacola,FL
Referred By: Just Surfed On In


Name:Robert and Cecile Grohman
Posted on:June 24, 2004 10:23 PM
Where are you from?: ,N.C.
Referred By: Just Surfed On In
Comments: Love your music.When will you be in North Carolina for a concert?

Posted on:June 20, 2004 06:59 PM
Where are you from?: ,CT
Referred By: Search Engine
Comments: hi im jessica and im 12 years old. i love phantom of the opera, and i think michael is sooooooo awesome! his voice is really amazing!

Name:Danielle Doty
Posted on:June 19, 2004 11:06 PM
Where are you from?: ,New Orleans, LA, America
Referred By: Search Engine
Comments: Dear Mr. Crawford and whomever else who may be reading this, I may be one of Michael's youngest fans. I am at the age of 11. The first time I heard him was when I was in the car and my mother had The Phantom of the Opera on. I had asked her, 'Who is that?' She told me that his name started with a 'M'. That did not help me. I picked up the CD case and the words read 'Michael Crawford'. Eventually, I got on the web and researched this man with the voice of an angel. I found out that one of his co-stars, Steve Barton, was in a musical 'Dance of the Vampires'. Later I found out that Mr. Crawford had been a part of of this too. I searched to this if the show was still running, of course, it said 'no'. I found this site one day in a search in engine and celebrated. Finally! A M.C. (As I like to call him) Fan stie! I hope soon I could join this site, and to see Michael in 'The Woman in White'. Mr.Crawford inspired me to become an actress. I am in the choir and have been in many leading roles in plays. Michael Crawford is a great man. Love, Dani Dee

Posted on:June 18, 2004 02:58 PM
Where are you from?: ,London, Ontario, Canada
Referred By: From a Friend
Comments: Hi Michael, I here you are to start rehersal on the 14th of July, that happens to be my birthday... Good luck to you...

Posted on:June 17, 2004 05:22 PM
Where are you from?: ,Italy
Referred By: Just Surfed On In
Comments: I've lost my father a few days ago... and I will thinking of you to have the straight to carry on... Hope to see you in London in October.

Name:Rachel Ingram
Posted on:June 17, 2004 02:21 PM
Where are you from?: ,USAEarthUniverseMindOf God
Referred By: Just Surfed On In
Comments: Hey Michael! I fell in love with you and your voice, at the age of four. The first time I heard you sing POTO it was like hearing an angel. Your voice is such an inspiration but more importantly the way you live your life. You're a generous man. Just keep giving. I would love a reply if you have time it would mean the world to me. Love, Rachel

Posted on:June 16, 2004 08:39 AM
Where are you from?: ,England
Referred By: Search Engine
Comments: i love you comedy sitcom some mothers do av em is a very good comedy i really enjoy yor sitcom comedy.

Posted on:June 10, 2004 09:37 PM
Where are you from?: ,Tasmania
Referred By: Just Surfed On In
Comments: Hi Michael,

Series 3 of 'Some Mother Do Ave Em' has just been released in Australia on DVD, so its good to see 'Moving House’ uncut!

My brother and myself watched 'Some Mothers Do Ave Em' over the weekend on DVD, my brother hadn't seen a couple episodes and he killed himself laughing at 'The Public Relations Course', I hadn't seen him laugh so much until he watched that episode.

I think he couple perhaps be the next Frank William Spencer! (I hope NOT!)

No seriously, I like to take Frank off at work as I work with the Aged and many still recall 'Some Mothers' and also are well-known of remembering yourself, but I somehow take it back to being Frank Spencer!

And standing in the middle of a staff meeting taking of Frank Spencer, is not a good idea at a serious time reciting your script!

Keep up the great work and head back down under to Australia! We love you! Rebekah (Tasmania, Australia)

Name:Mary Inns
Posted on:June 9, 2004 12:00 PM
Where are you from?: ,Rochdale England
Referred By: Just Surfed On In
Comments: Love the book Michael. HGeard the tape first. Have been a fan for many years. You visited my daughter in Pendlebury hospital in the early 80's. Saw you in Manchester a few years ago. Can't wait for White Lady to open. See you then

Posted on:June 6, 2004 09:24 PM
Where are you from?: ,Texas
Referred By: Just Surfed On In
Comments: Hi there. I'm 16 and I first heard about Michael Crawford when I recieved the Phantom of the Opera cd for my 16th. Ever since I heard him sing I have been inspired to sing as well. My parents are signing me up for some sort of young opera singers group. I'm excited about it. All my thanks go to Michael Crawford. I owe you so much. Sincerley Angelica

Name:todd bennetto
Posted on:June 4, 2004 07:19 AM
Where are you from?: ,hobart TASMANIA
Referred By: From a Friend
Comments: GDAY there michael how ya goin mate im just writing to you and i hope you get to read it in regards to a No 1 fan of yours that lives in hobart and you may know who im talking about her name is peg and she has photos of you and i think you have spoken to her once or twice and signed things for her anyway michael she s my grandmother and i thought id better let you know that shes not too good mate she may be on her last legs so she thinks anyway but that hasnt stopped her talking about you she even has your picture beside her bed in hospital mate anyway i hope you get this message and she sends her love thanks for the enjoyment you have given her over the years mike regards todd

Name:chris holmes
Posted on:June 1, 2004 09:41 PM
Where are you from?: ,chicago illinois
Referred By: E-Mail
Comments: i really love phantom i guess i would call my self phanatic well ive seen u 5 out of the 8 times ive seen the show and u were wonderfull i am trying to perswade my father to let me see u in ur new show all the best i am very glad to see u and andrew back working together u guys are a great team hope to see u at the tony's i was wondering if u have heard the new musical wicked yet and ur thoughts on it thanks alot

Name:elizabeth malcolm
Posted on:May 26, 2004 07:58 AM
Where are you from?:
Referred By: Search Engine
Comments: michael crawford is an angel here on earth. his ability to touch peoples hearts with word and song is amazing. he has a wonderful healing soul and an astounding aura. for sure one of gods messengers in life.

Name:elizabeth malcolm
Posted on:May 26, 2004 07:46 AM
Where are you from?: ,originaly scotland now in nz
Referred By: Just Surfed On In

Name:MaryAnn Sumpter
Posted on:May 25, 2004 04:24 PM
Where are you from?: ,Marshalltown, IA
Referred By: Just Surfed On In
Comments: Just wanted to pass this nice piece of information. While my husband and I were in a restaurant in Puerto Vallarta, Mexico, we were talking with the owners of the restaurant. The husband is a singer, from Italy. We asked if they knew who Michael Crawford is. The wife responded, "yes, he is a Christian singer,with a wonderful, beautiful, voice." Isn't that great? I am sure Michael would be pleased that people know him in that capacity as well as an actor.

Name:Bronwyn West
Posted on:May 23, 2004 04:34 PM
Where are you from?: ,Columbus,Ohio
Referred By: Search Engine
Comments: my name is bronwyn west and I have been a big fan for a long time. His music is wonderful

Posted on:May 21, 2004 04:01 PM
Where are you from?: ,London, Ontario, Canada
Referred By: Just Surfed On In
Comments: Will you ever be doing a tour in Canada?

Posted on:May 19, 2004 06:42 PM
Where are you from?:
Referred By: Just Surfed On In
Comments: Mr. Crawford,

I had the opportunity to see you in Raleigh, North Carolina, USA in 1996, fall. It was absolutely the best concert I have ever attended. Have been trying to find you somewhere since then. I remember the funny story about the boat, and the smoke. Will you ever tour the Southeast USA again, or even New York. Just came back Monday. Stayed around the corner from the Phantom, but did not see it------you were not the Phantom. Is there anywhere I can receive your schedule of performances? Know you are in England--planning a trip there---will make sure I see your new play. I am definitely a diehard fan.

Name:Lynnda Hayden
Posted on:May 19, 2004 05:19 AM
Where are you from?: ,Visalia, CA USA
Referred By: Search Engine
Comments: Hello,

First I must apologize for the $1 donation. I live on CA Disability but Michael Crawford is worth MILLIONS to me. Nonetheless, saw Michael 4 times, in 1990-1991 playing The Phantom. PRICELESS, and one time in L.A. they were taping the show. What I really wondered is IF AND WHEN Phantom of the Opera will be realeased, or tapes there of, even in bits and pices? Don't even need whole production. It would be a nice treat for sick old ladies, that have NO control over money items just to see. But, must be with Michael, saw 2 other versions without, NEVER THE SAME.


Lynnda D. Hayden 559-733-3437

Name:rebecca fortune
Posted on:May 17, 2004 01:24 PM
Where are you from?: ,usa
Referred By: Just Surfed On In
Comments: Best of luck in everything that you choose to do. I'm getting ready to sing "Not too Far from here" for our church. wish me luck.

Name:Nikki Rowlands
Posted on:May 15, 2004 03:38 PM
Where are you from?: ,England
Referred By: Just Surfed On In
Comments: just got the last two tickets for the opening night in the dress circle for woman in white...just going to go and cry now...SOOO EXCITED!

Name:Caleb Hamilton
Posted on:May 15, 2004 01:54 PM
Where are you from?: ,Silver Spring,Maryland
Referred By: Just Surfed On In
Comments: Dear Mr.Crawford, I am a huge fan of you especially of The Phantom Of The Opera.I have been a fan since I was a little tike and now I still am!I just want you to know that I love to sing and i listen to clips of the phantom of the opera and try to sing and move around like you do on the boat.

Sincrely, Your #1 fan Caleb Hamilton

P.S:Please respond.Thanks

Name:Caleb Hamilton
Posted on:May 15, 2004 01:52 PM
Where are you from?: ,Silver Spring,Maryland
Referred By: Just Surfed On In
Comments: Dear Mr.Crawford, I am a huge fan of you especially of The Phantom Of The Opera.I have been a fan since i was a little tike and now i still am!I just want you to know that I love to sing and i listen to clips of the phantom of the opera and try to sing and move around like you do on the boat.

Sincrely, Your #1 fan Caleb Hamilton

P.S:Please respond.Thanks

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