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Posted on:June 21, 2006 04:02 PM
Where are you from?: ,TO;EDO.OHIO
Referred By: Just Surfed On In
Comments: ARE YOU GOING TO MAKE A VIDO OF YOUR CONCERT IN CALf.i think it would be great as i have most of your other vidios and all of your cd.I LOVE YOUR MUSIC,

Name:Angel Enos
Posted on:June 20, 2006 07:53 PM
Where are you from?: ,LosAngeles
Referred By: Just Surfed On In
Comments: Hi Michael! Iwrote earlier. Im the one who asked the questions. you wouldent believe what happened.Im going to see "phantom" at the Vanetoin in Las VEGAS soon(I hope you come). And right down my street they put a billboard of"PHANTOM The Las Vegas Spectacular".I thought it was weird. well the day that im going to see it is July 8 at the 7am performance. hope to see you. your biggest phantom phan, Angel Enos

Name:Raphael Caliman
Posted on:June 20, 2006 04:23 PM
Where are you from?: ,Brazil
Referred By: Just Surfed On In
Comments: The best singer and actor like I had never seen before. I first met Michael when I saw he singing with Sarah Brightman in "The Phantom of the Opera". It was amazing. Michael, you're the best!

Posted on:June 20, 2006 11:41 AM
Where are you from?: ,London, Ontario
Referred By: Just Surfed On In
Comments: Still hoping that someday you'll come to Canada and do a concert.... You have fans here too you know......

Posted on:June 12, 2006 07:31 PM
Where are you from?: ,Rio de Janeiro, Brazil
Referred By: Newsgroup
Comments: Dear Michael, maybe it will be a few drops in the great ocean of tributes that, certainly, you receive every single day, but is my humble gift to you. A way to thank you for your art.

Please, follow the link above:

Truly your,


Name:Bernie Carr
Posted on:June 4, 2006 07:15 AM
Where are you from?: ,Upstate NY
Referred By: Just Surfed On In
Comments: Years ago, while in high school, my daughter found a song, "Any dream Will Do", artist listed as unknown. She shared it with me. I lost it but the song kept going thru my head (6 years). With the help of the internet, I finally found yours and if it is not the same, I cannot tell the difference. (Not to discredit all of those other artists I found, but your version really is Amazing".) Thank you, Bernie P.S. I send my daughter my discovery. She is now with The Oregon Shakespeare Festival in Ashland. It will be a pleasant surprise for her also.

Posted on:June 2, 2006 08:23 AM
Where are you from?: ,London
Referred By: Just Surfed On In

Posted on:May 28, 2006 09:22 PM
Where are you from?: ,canada
Referred By: From a Friend
Comments: i was looking through the vidio clips and watched the museum song not evan having a clue what he was saying! I enjoyed watching the efx vidio and get a kick out of watching some mothers do av' em' the zipper story was funny as well and i enjoy seeing the many pictures on the side like the alice in wonderland white rabit picture me and my friend were laghing so much because that was a funny picture and i enjoy seeing the site and i come on whenever i can to watch the museum song from barnum and i would really enjoy it if you put a Dance Of The Vampires vidio clip in there! and i really enjoy the music a lot so keep going mcifa and going!

Name:Gavin Mohney
Posted on:May 28, 2006 01:14 AM
Where are you from?: ,Phoenix, AZ
Referred By: Just Surfed On In
Comments: dear micheal crawwford i am a big fan of you and you doing phanto of the friend and i sing it all the time .she plays christine ahd i play the phantom.i dream about it alot becuse it is so good.the music is so power full like this song,post of no long were you the phantom if thats ok to ask.the mask that you wore did you get to keep it if thats ok to ask to . another question is that do you know any other phantoms.

p.s please write back thank you

Name:Angel Enos
Posted on:May 27, 2006 06:20 PM
Where are you from?: ,LosAngeles
Referred By: Just Surfed On In
Comments: Hi Michael, Ijust wanted to say that you really are the best. no really. Ithink that any kid would be happy to you as thier father.Any way Ilove Phantom. Sometimes I wish I was the phantom. You know All alone. And most of the time I wish EFX was real. truly yours, Angel

Posted on:May 26, 2006 07:50 AM
Where are you from?: ,Rio de Janeiro - Brazil
Referred By: Newsgroup
Comments: Dear Michael,

I apologize, but I ll write to you in my own language (Portuguese). It s hard to me to express all my admiration for your art in other way:

Há muito tempo, conheço seu trabalho, desde "Hello, Dolly", talvez o primeiro musical a que assisti no cinema. Aqui, chegaram os ecos de seu imenso triunfo em "The Phantom of the Opera", assim como os prêmios que você mereceu. Porém, somente agora, talvez por um imenso golpe de sorte, descobri a imensa legião de fans que incansavelmente trocam informações a seu respeito e o idolatram incondicionalmente.

Apenas para dar uma pálida idéia do quanto o admiro, neste instante, escrevo ao som de suas músicas, muitas delas, todas a que posso ter acesso...

Minha admiração vem-se tornando uma obsessão - sadia, no entanto! - a que tenho dedicado várias horas.

Sei que seus compromissos são muitos, e que meu país talvez nunca tenha sido cogitado para um tour seu, mas, quem sabe, um dia você nos dê a honra e a alegria de um concerto?

Um grande abraço, e todo, o mais possível, sucesso sem limites para você. E que todos os seus sonhos se tornem realidade, sempre.

Saúde e paz,


Name:Angel Enos
Posted on:May 26, 2006 12:21 AM
Where are you from?: ,LosAngeles
Referred By: Just Surfed On In
Comments: Hi Michael,

You are the best! I love phantom, EFX, Barnum, and there all just incredible. I collect phantom stuff and most of them have your name on it.Alot of kids at my school call me weird because I'm obsessed with phantom. Apperently theve never heard you sing. I first heard phantom when I was SIX. My mom would always practice the music becouse she wanted to sound like Sarah Brightman.All I ever heard was "All I Ask of you" and "Think of Me".But one day I WAS passing by her room , then all of a sudden Angel of music (mirror) came on.At first I diddnt know what it was.Then I heard "Music of the Night" for the first time.As soon I heard it I fell in love with IT. Over the years I became more and more obsessd.I finally saw the play in 2001. I was a bit upset that I dident see you perform.Now I'm 11 years old. Im bit of a performer too. Im in the drama Club at my school.We just did "THE LION KING." I think you would have enjoyed it. I played Scar. Heres a couple of questions Ive always to ask you. Are you catholic?Were you ever married?Heres an IMPORTANT one,were you nervous to kiss Sarah Brightman in front of her husband Andrew Lloyd Webber in phantom? I wish I could meet you in person.My family is, well semi poor.If we want McDonalds WE have to oder from the $1 menue. Well If you can write me back.

your big phantom phan, Angel Enos

Posted on:May 25, 2006 05:01 PM
Where are you from?: ,Iowa
Referred By: From a Friend
Comments: Hello to Michael and fans, Just wanted to say hi and to say that I'm also a fan since hearing the OLC. Michael, you have a great voice and a gift for comedy!


Posted on:May 23, 2006 02:29 PM
Where are you from?: ,Switzerland
Referred By: Just Surfed On In
Comments: I just wanted to ask you a last thing... Are you sometimes tired of all your fans? (I can perhaps say that, but I'm a fan of yours ^_^!) love, clem

Posted on:May 23, 2006 02:23 PM
Where are you from?: ,Switzerland
Referred By: Search Engine
Comments: Dear Michael, I have been listening to the Phantom of the Opera record for more than one year. You voice is simply marvellous. If I could, I would go to one of your concerts... but they are all either in Australia or America.

I was wondering if one of your phantom performance exists on DVD? Cause I was really desapointed by the phantom movie...

If it doesn't exist, I just hope once, it will (?)

Love, Clémentine

Name:Sarah Howard
Posted on:May 21, 2006 08:21 PM
Where are you from?: ,Austin
Referred By: Just Surfed On In
Comments: Hey Michael! The Phantom of the Opera is my favorite musical EVER and you can't top Sarah Brightman AND yourself! I listen to the CD all the time and it's my faveorite. You sounded amazing! My dream is to be on Broadway and you and Sarah Brightman have inspired me even more! I have seen the movie and the stage vesion of Phantom and the stage is way better. I didn't get to see it when you and Sarah were in the cast but I really wish that I could have. You, Andrew Lloyd Webber and Sarah Brightman are all awesome!


Name:corrinne eastup
Posted on:May 19, 2006 04:41 AM
Where are you from?: ,New Zealand
Referred By: Just Surfed On In
Comments: Dear Micheal, I remember watching some mothers many years ago in the UK, I was recently watching reruns here in NZ with my kids and we laughed so much, I told them that you did your own stunts but they don't believe me, especially the roller skate episode, please put them out of their misery and by the way good on yar cobblers. Corrinne

Name:Kayleigh Lewis
Posted on:May 13, 2006 02:37 PM
Where are you from?: ,Cumbria, UK
Referred By: Just Surfed On In
Comments: Hi Michael! A few weeks ago, I finished listening to the original London cast recording of The Phantom of the Opera on my record player and I really enjoyed it (especially on the song its self). I also enjoyed listening to the bit when the chandelier comes down and the Phantom's laughter when it came dowm. It surprised me a bit because I have seen the film and wasn't expecting him to laugh at the chandelier dropping down and at the ending of 'All I Ask of You' on the original recording I've seen bits of the stage version on some of the extra bits on the DVD of the film and the bit on the stage that looked a bit scary was the bit when the Phantom comes up in this huge bat-like shadow that fills the stage before someone gets hanged. I feel really sorry for the Phantom and I think there's nothing wrong with him; he just wants to be like everybody else but they're not giving him the chance. I'm hoping that I'll eventually get the original recording on a CD for my birthday in eight weeks time. If not, I might as well stick to my record.

Posted on:May 12, 2006 03:19 PM
Where are you from?: ,Gainsborough in lincolnshire
Referred By: Just Surfed On In
Comments: Dear Michael. I have reciently been to see The Phantom of the opera in London's West End which was a dream come true for me as it was organised as a suprise by my mum (who came to see phantom in 1988 and adores the music) stepdad and best friend for my 18th birthday back in April and I had absolutely no idea. I had only seen the special edition DVD with you singing Music Of The Night, I was completely blown away. I think you have an absolutely beautiful voice as there is such a unique gentleness in it which i adore and your acting for such a complex character is outstanding from any I have seen. you portrayed the phantom to be so sadly misunderstod and so full of love, I think that is a perfect portrayal of such an intriguing person, i cry every time i see it, it is so overwhelming.

I have just sent off for the original Cast recording of Phantom. Aside from that I also loved you in Some Mothers do Ave Em. I used to watch videos of this with my great Grandma who sadly died 3 years ago we were so close, so they carry very happy memories for me.

I am devastated that you no longer perform Phantom but Earl Carpenter did play the phantom wonderfully in the west End with Rachell Barrell who was also ace, so did Gerard butler in the film but there is nothing like getting the experience of the theatre. Because of this wonderful performance I will remember my first time at the theatre for ever.

I must finally say that you are a complete star and amazing human being. I am so proud to have finally lived my dream. I hope you are in better health now. Take good care of yourself and be happy.

love Claire ( 18 now Yay!!!)

Posted on:May 10, 2006 04:07 PM
Where are you from?: ,San Antonio, TX
Referred By: Just Surfed On In
Comments: Hello! I really enjoyed your performance in 'The Phantom of the Opera'. I bought the 1987 cast recording about two months ago, on a whim, and fell in love with it. You have a wonderful talent, and I hope you can do a show in San Antonio someday.

Posted on:May 9, 2006 12:01 PM
Where are you from?: ,massillon ohio
Referred By: Just Surfed On In
Comments: hi i j/ whated to say thet you r the best ever and i have one of your moves thet your werer in w/ barbra streisand and a cd of hers thet u are on and u are relly good

Name:angel of music
Posted on:May 9, 2006 05:00 AM
Where are you from?:
Referred By: Just Surfed On In
Comments: Really some people on here need to get over themselves, Michael Crawford never seemed disappointed that he didnt get the role for the phantom movie, and comments like "what ever gave GB the idea he thought he could play the Phantom???" are just lame.

I have the highest respect for michael, I grew up watching him on UK tv in Some mothers do have em' I love the OLC recording, it was the first I heard, but people move on, Michael sounds great on the OLC recording of Woman in White, I would have loved to see his Count Fosco.

Michael, you are a wondeful human being, I hope you are on the road to good health now.

much love AOM

Posted on:May 6, 2006 04:14 AM
Where are you from?: ,A.C.T.
Referred By: Search Engine
Comments: Hi Michael

My mother has a book about you, a vidio of you in concert and a couple of your cd's lately I've been listening to them almost non stop. One of my favorites (and from all the songs I've heard you sing I do have a lot of favorites.) is not to far from here. I love this song becouse it blows me away and takes me to another place every time I hear it not only that but it reminds me that no matter how sad and depressed I may be at the time or how bad things get there is always going to be some one who is worse off and that I'm actualy extreemly lucky to have what I do have. Any way I was watching that vidio I mentioned before and when it finnished I was curiouse who exactly is Michael Crawford? and has he done any thing recently this or last year? So I thought I would type your name in to Google and see what comes up. This site was at the top of the page so I decided I'd check it out and Ido believe I've hit the jack pot.

I'm 16 years old (I born on the 2131990) and my mum ,brother and sister are baby sitting my 4 year old cousin cecelia ovr night while Auntie Beth, Uncle Rob and baby cousin Rohan are out some where. So this means Im completley home alone and for the whole night which is rather exiting and just a little scarry as I've never stayed home alone over night. To be completly honest with you I don't know why I'm telling you this but oh well can't b botherd delleeting it so I geuse I'll just leave I would love to here from you some time if your not to buisy or any thing.

Love from Kate

Name:Caitlin Harvey
Posted on:May 5, 2006 06:23 PM
Where are you from?: ,B.C, Canada
Referred By: Search Engine
Comments: Can you please e-mail me any time you are playing the Phantom in Vancouver? I really want to hear. Can you please e-mail photos of Phantom and maybe a C.D.?

Thanks! Caitlin, Age 12

P.S. I love you in Phantom of the Opera!!!

Name:Caitlin Harvey
Posted on:May 5, 2006 06:15 PM
Where are you from?: ,British Columbia, Canada
Referred By: Search Engine
Comments: Hi! My name is Caitlin, and I am 12 years old. My parents played the Phantom of the Opera music for me, and I loved it! I especially LOVE your voice. It is so cool. I watched the movie, and I really disliked his voice. Will you sing in a Phantom Movie? Please? I only have the highlights, not the whole movie on C.D. Will you be singing in Vancouver? I hope to go.

PLEASE respond. I LOVE the Phantom of the Opera!!!


Name:sarah white
Posted on:May 3, 2006 11:51 AM
Where are you from?: ,essex, england
Referred By: Just Surfed On In
Comments: hi great to see michael doing so much. used to be in the fan club (during Billy days) you still bring a smile to my face and you always will

Name:maria price
Posted on:April 30, 2006 10:43 AM
Where are you from?: ,devon uk
Referred By: E-Mail
Comments: hi michael just wanted to say how your music as enriched my life and if i ever feel down i just have to see you smile and it puts me back on top lots of love from a english rose luv maria.

Posted on:April 29, 2006 02:32 AM
Where are you from?: ,Arkansas USA
Referred By: Just Surfed On In
Comments: I hope someday Michael that you will return to make movie musical. I saw an old movie with Tony Randell, called the 7 Faces of Dr Lao, it is not a musical but if you find a gifted musical writer and you as the lead as Tony Randell had played it would be simply beautiful and fun.

Name:aly goodman
Posted on:April 22, 2006 05:36 AM
Where are you from?: ,salisbury uk
Referred By: Just Surfed On In
Comments: great to see micheal is still busy and a great ambassador for charity work. well done . please come home to england once in a while our stages seem silent with out you. thankyou for your body of work may it continue for as long as you wish it to.

Posted on:April 21, 2006 09:09 PM
Where are you from?: ,California
Referred By: Search Engine
Comments: Oh my gosh! This web site is wonderful. I am such a huge fan. Oh Michael, I just hope you know that my most wildest dream has always been to meet you in person. I don't know when you'll come to California, though. I was very excited when I realized that you would be preforming at the Cerritos Center in August. The only problem is I'll be on a trip. I was so upset I cried! Maybe someday I'll actually be able to meet you. Or at least see one of your preformances. Keep up the good work!

Posted on:April 20, 2006 03:04 PM
Where are you from?: ,London
Referred By: Just Surfed On In
Comments: Wish he would come to the UK again.Would love to see him!!!

Posted on:April 15, 2006 05:35 PM
Where are you from?: ,Redding Ca
Referred By: Just Surfed On In
Comments: The Phantom of the Opera is and always will be inside my mind:) I am your biggest fan and im coming to see u in Cerritos on August 19, I cant wait! When i first heard u sing i fell in love with ur voice and even though all my friends insist that the "new phantom" is better, i still stand up for you. U have the most beautiful voice and when u sing with Sarah B. all hell breaks loose. My sister is a mezzo soprano and shes an opera singer and her idol is Sarah Brightman so when we sing together(im an alto/tenor) shes Christine and im, well you.Well anyways if u can please write back so i can tell all my friends that i actually got an an e-mail from the Phantom. I love ur voice keep up the great work and dont scream, its bad 4 ur voice. Lots of love!---Stefi age:13

Name:bethany north
Posted on:April 13, 2006 10:20 AM
Where are you from?: ,West midlands, england
Referred By: Just Surfed On In
Comments: hello michael crawford i have to say you are an excellent actor, i have seen you in barnum and i have heard you singing as 'billy'. I am in a company rehearsing billy at the moment( keep on performing xxxxxxxxx

Posted on:April 11, 2006 03:27 PM
Where are you from?: ,U>S>
Referred By: Web Ring
Comments: Nice to see your still out there,Micheal! I always enjoy all of your work.From S.M.D.A.E. to your latest project! Wonderful to know your still involved in charity work also!!!

Posted on:April 11, 2006 02:05 PM
Where are you from?: ,Georgia , USA
Referred By: Just Surfed On In
Comments: Dear Michael, Thank you very much for the letter you sent me about my GED tests in February of 2006. Your encouragement to me helped me a lot with my studying and gave me confidence.

Hearing from you about my GED preparing means very much to me. Thank you for leading me with your helping hand.

PS: Hopefully very soon, I'll be able to tell you, I did it! I want to share my news about passing my GED tests with you, when I pass them. I want to tell you my news in person. When you come back to Orlando or Atlanta, I'll be there.

Love, Lisa

Name:Ann Stringfield
Posted on:April 9, 2006 07:13 PM
Where are you from?: ,Wilkesboro, North Carolina
Referred By: Search Engine
Comments: Mr. Crawford,

The highlight of my 1981 summer in London was meeting you backstage after "Barnum." You were kind enough to respond, many weeks later, to my fan letter with an autographed picture. Following your Tony Award for "Phantom," in NYC, I wrote to you again. You were kind enough to send an updated autographed picture. I tell anyone and everyone that you are the most gracious of celebrities.

Thank you for all that you do.

Ann Stringfield

Name:Pauline Usher
Posted on:April 5, 2006 01:10 AM
Where are you from?: ,/south Australia
Referred By: Just Surfed On In
Comments: My husband bought tickets for Barossa Under the Stars as a birthday present for me as he knows how big a fan I am of you and your work. It was the best surprise and the concert was superb. What fantastic memories we have of that day (Feb 25th 2006). Thank you so much for all the enjoyment you have brought us over the years right back from "The Knack...."Health, happiness and long life to you and yours. Pauline Usher, Happy Valley, South Australia. PS Is it possible to get some list of where to obtain older material e.g. Barnum?

Name:Meg Moller Senecal
Posted on:April 4, 2006 03:42 PM
Where are you from?: ,Liverpool, NY
Referred By: From a Friend
Comments: Dear Michael-what a great site. Years ago you sent me a photo of you from Phantom of the Opera performance in CA 'unmasked' writing me, "If you don't like my face, you can always use this as a dart board!" It remains framed all these years later and the ONLY photo of another man my husband of now 8 years will allow! You are the best and continued success. You have the most hypnotic voice in the World. Love always,

Meg Moller-Senecal

Name:Lauren Faerber
Posted on:April 3, 2006 07:22 PM
Where are you from?: ,Newport Rhode Island, USA
Referred By: From a Friend
Comments: Michael, Hello this is Lauren Faerber. I bet you had a wonderful time at the Phantom of the Opera show...since you have never seen it before. Don't tell Andrew I know because he'll kill me (kidding). I've never seen you as the Phantom before. You were the first one I heard since I was a little girl. Now I'm fifteen and I still listen to you and your albums. I love your voice. One of my favorite songs that you sing in the Phantom of the Opera is The Music of the Night. I love you. you are the best. My number one Phantom

Posted on:April 2, 2006 04:08 PM
Where are you from?: ,southend - on - sea
Referred By: Search Engine
Comments: Hi Michael, just wanted to say you are the greatest performer i have ever seen and i just want to thank you for getting me interested in the whole world of musical theatre, you are truely the most amazing person i have ever seen perform on the stage, all the best.

Posted on:April 2, 2006 11:36 AM
Where are you from?: ,England
Referred By: Just Surfed On In
Comments: Hi there, Michael Crawford is a legend! My hero! And I love Dance of the Vampires! So much so, actually, that I am rallying fans of the show and Michael to email me so I can take a pile of emails to some producers in London to show them there would be an audience for the show. So you can either email me direct at or take a look at my AOL journal at Please visit and I hope to hear from you. Let's get DotV and hopefully Michael to London!

Posted on:April 2, 2006 11:22 AM
Where are you from?: ,NORTHAMPTON ENGLAND
Referred By: Just Surfed On In

Posted on:April 2, 2006 05:29 AM
Where are you from?: ,England
Referred By: Just Surfed On In
Comments: Hi there! I'm very excited because hopefully in a while I'll be a full-time member of the MCIFA! I just can't wait to get involved. The Association sounds great and it will be really nice to meet other people (and possibly along the way, Michael himself). If this message does get through, I just want to say best wishes to you guys and please keep up the good work!

Name:Wayne Lawless
Posted on:March 29, 2006 07:47 PM
Where are you from?: ,Lawndale, California
Referred By: From a Friend
Comments: It is a pleasure to be here. I just joined the MCIFA a few minutes ago. Don't even have my member number yet. I am looking forward to seeing Michael for the first time, and hearing him, at Cerritos this fall.

Name:Kimberly Van Norden
Posted on:March 28, 2006 11:36 AM
Where are you from?: ,Monrovia, California
Referred By: Search Engine
Comments: Dear Michael: I had a huge crush on you when I was little, as I had just seen "Hello Dolly". I loved the song you sang in the general store, and your smile! It took many years to put together that YOU were THE Phantom...the "light went on" while I was listening to one of your CD's where you tell the story of meeting Gene Kelly, and of the day you spent showering and shaving, and moving furniture...quite an amusing tale! Recently I received a flyer for one of the local Arts center. I, of course, would love to be there to see you, however the tickets are given on a preferred basis to members and then last on the totem pole is the general public...any chance you might be scheduling a concert at a more public Southern California venue where the common folk can listen? God Bless.

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