Sign the Guestbook

All messages will be forwarded to Michael, but individual replies will not be sent.

Name:robin cherney
Posted on:August 19, 2003 11:21 AM
Where are you from?: ,usa
Referred By: Just Surfed On In
Comments: hi mr michael crawford i am your big fan you played the creap but a true phantomf the opera or angel you pick your older kids are lucy to have a phantom of the opera for a father i want to know when you thingking threwing the towel of acting come to closed i hope you are around for more acting i hope i get to see you for few more shower befor you leave the stag for one last time thanks for beaing and what you are a very good actor your fan ribun cherney.

Name:Richard Crane
Posted on:August 18, 2003 09:13 AM
Where are you from?: ,UK
Referred By: Search Engine
Comments: Hi

Please can someone let Michael know that Andrew Pryce Jackman died on Friday 15th August aged 56. Andrew was a composer, arranger and conductor with the London Symphony Orchestra and worked with Michael on his first two albums (I believe) as well as Barabara Streisand, Rush, Elkie Brooks, Elton John, Nanci Griffith and LeAnn Rimes


Richard Crane (friend of the Jackman family)

Posted on:August 17, 2003 03:47 PM
Where are you from?: ,Lakewood, WA USA
Referred By: Search Engine
Comments: I can't believe that it has taken me almost five years to find this site. I just need to tell you, Michael, what a force you have been in my life. November 10,1998 was the darkest day of my life. At 9:30pm we got the phone call no parent wants to receive. Our 20 year old son, Kurt Christian, was dead! My JOY left that very instant. My sister, knowing that my FAITH was shattered, gave me your CD, ON EAGLE'S WINGS. During the past five years,I have listened over and over to "On Eagle's Wings," and other songs from the CD, and have felt that you were singing the messages directly to me. Kurt was impulsive and full of Joy. He lived his life knowing that God was taking care of him. I did too until the day he died. Then I questioned. I forgot. Thank you for reminding me constantly that God has answered my prayers, "Always keep him safe" He did, and will FOREVER! Thank You, and thank GOD for you

Posted on:August 15, 2003 10:54 PM
Where are you from?: ,Wisconsin
Referred By: Just Surfed On In
Comments: Hello!!

im Julie and im 14 yrs old, I just wanted to say that i am THE BIGGEST phantom of the opera phan!! I listen to it everyday and play it on the piano and sing it for my friends! I am a HUGE drama freak and im going to be in Les Miserables this spring! I even got a singing part!! Well, i just wanted to write here and say that i may be the youngest, american who is absoultally OBSESSED with the Phantom of the Opera!! (Michael, you do SUCH a great job, your a wonderful singer!!)

Best Regards, Julie

Name:Tatiana Kapustina
Posted on:August 13, 2003 03:01 PM
Where are you from?: ,Russia, Moscow
Referred By: Just Surfed On In
Comments: Dear Michael

I'm absolutely in raptures! I have received your kind letter on the eve of my Birthday. Believe me, it is the best gift, which I had for all mine (not such short) lifetime! You have a huge talent to make the people happy!!!! Thank you VERY MUCH for your care and attention to the fan from far-off Russia. You are not only the BEST SINGER, but also both most respected and adored man in the whole World for me. My thoughts and prayers are always with you...



Name:Christy Walk
Posted on:August 12, 2003 10:47 PM
Where are you from?: ,Fleetwood
Referred By: Just Surfed On In
Comments: Hi, Michael! I am much happier today because it's my birthday! What a swell day this was! Anyway, here's the good news. My bee sting is healing.

Name:Christy Walk
Posted on:August 10, 2003 06:21 PM
Where are you from?: ,Fleetwood
Referred By: Just Surfed On In
Comments: Hi, Michael. I feel so sad because I got a bee sting today. It's not right. I hate stinging bees. And I told myself that I have had enough of stinging bees for one day. My birthday is in two days and this is what I get, one lousy bee sting. I am so FURIOUS! It's not right. I hate myself for saying this, but I feel sorry for myself because of this. I hope there is something you could do to cheer me up because you're a very kind person.

Posted on:August 10, 2003 11:21 AM
Where are you from?: ,Derby, England
Referred By: Search Engine
Comments: I don’t know whether you actually get time to read this, but if you do, hi! If you don’t its possibly not a bad thing as I’m most likely going to sound like a complete and utter idiot! Anyway here it goes… First of all I would just like to say that (and I know you’ve probably heard it a million times before…but not from me ;)) I think you are a really lovely person and are one of the very few superstars, megastars, what ever you are, that still actually act human and don’t see yourself as higher than everybody else. Ok, now I’m all done with the flattery, I’m going to bore you with yet another comment about phantom, sorry. I have the Cd and Lp of phantom with the original cast but I was too young to go and see it, (born in 86). The first time I heard music of the night I was mesmerized I cannot describe the feeling it gives me, it makes me cry every time I hear it, call me crazy but it does. When I heard the film was being made I was ecstatic! But to hear that you may not be playing the Phantom is heart breaking! You never know though, there is still time before the film actually comes out, maybe Lord Webber, Lord Andrew, Andy, whatever he goes by, might come to his senses and cast the original phantom with the original voice in the original…role, that sounded much better in my head, anyway, you get my drift… or not. I guess what I’m trying to say is you may be older now (older, not old) but you still have that beautiful, powerful voice – you are the phantom and always will be, that’s a complement, really, I’m not calling you old or grotesque or… anyway, I’m going to go now because I’ve written practically a book and rambled for half an hour about nothing really, so good luck with all you do and may happiness reign over… something. “Your obedient friend…” (Sorry)

P.s. I’m going to have one more attempt at embarrassing myself because I don’t feel I’ve made enough of a fool of myself yet. I wrote this, well just now really coz I was bored, I thought I might send it to Mr Lloyd Webber, what do you think?

Dear Andrew How could you not cast him? Michael Crawford was a great success, Give us back our O.G, And soon you will see, Basically You made the right decision With Precision And your film will be immense

(Supposed to be like the phantoms notes to the mangers, get it? No? ok…)

Name:Christy Walk
Posted on:August 10, 2003 09:32 AM
Where are you from?: ,Fleetwood
Referred By: Just Surfed On In
Comments: Hi, Michael. I just got back from church. Everything is going great with my grandmother and me. I was so very disappointed when I heard that you didn't get the part of Erik in The Phantom of the Opera. But at least I was glad that you were in Dance of the Vampires. I'm going to watch A Funny Thing Happened on the Way to the Forum right when I get off of the computer. Every night I fall asleep to the song called Music of the Night. It is just so soothing. So how is your weekend so far? Mine is going great because I watched some of Hello Dolly yesterday. I love that movie and I loved it in the year 2001. I watched it on AMC in April of 2002 when I lived at Grandma's house with my family. Bye!

Posted on:August 10, 2003 12:20 AM
Where are you from?: ,new york city
Referred By: Just Surfed On In
Comments: Dear Mr Crawford I have been such a big fan of yours for so many years and I was wondering how I could get an autograph picture of you. My sister suprised me with tickets to see you when you perfomed at RADIO CITY MUSIC HALL I started to cry and I didnt think I would ever get a chance to see you perform. Thank you again Gail

Name:vickie garland
Posted on:August 9, 2003 11:16 PM
Where are you from?: ,Southeastern USA
Referred By: Search Engine
Comments: (((((((Michael))))))))

So sorry to hear about your colleague and dear friend Mort Viner's passing. But just imagine the wonderful times that he, your Mum and Nan must be having, swapping stories of you in heaven!


I am lifting you up in prayer for strength, comfort and HOPE. And asking God to send His angels to surround you and see you through this most difficult time.

with the love that never ends, your spiritual sister

(O/) vickie (O/)

Name:Christy Walk
Posted on:August 8, 2003 07:11 PM
Where are you from?: ,Fleetwood
Referred By: Just Surfed On In
Comments: Hi, Michael! I was watching Once Upon a Forest and your rendition of the song called "Please Wake Up" moved me to tears. I only cried two tears and that was it. I would have cried more, but the movie means so much to me. I cried tears of joy at the ending because the character of Michelle got better after the poisonous gas made her sick. The movie affects me so much as much as the Phantom of the Opera musical. That movie is so heartwarming! You should also sing the song called "Flying Dreams" on your next album. That song is from The Secret of NIMH. I would love to hear you sing your rendition of that song. I feel very tired because I just got back from the stores and restaurant. The song called It Goes Like It Goes from your album called A Touch of Music In the Night is cute. I get the tingly feeling every time I hear it. Last night I fell asleep once again-with pretzels!-and with the song called Music of the Night. I ate pretzels during the song so that I could sleep. I have braces on and I hope to get them off by the end of the night so that the orthodontist doesn't find out that I didn't brush my teeth. Are you going to see Thoroughly Modern Millie in London in the fall? I saw it on Broadway in March and I got to meet the cast especially Gavin Creel. But I didn't get to meet Sutton Foster. That's so sad! I could have met her. But sadly I didn't because she wasn't there. I only saw her on stage and that was it. Never got to meet her. Gosh, this website is swell! This website is just swell! See ya!

Name:Sharon Colby
Posted on:August 8, 2003 04:48 PM
Where are you from?: ,Chicago
Referred By: Just Surfed On In

Name:Christy Walk
Posted on:August 7, 2003 11:24 AM
Where are you from?: ,Fleetwood
Referred By: Just Surfed On In
Comments: Hi Michael! It's me again. I am listening to all kinds of showtunes and I am waiting for your rendition of Music of the Night to come on. When are you going to come to the Philadelphia area? I hope it'll be soon, because I would love to meet you in person. I was watching Hello Dolly on Sunday and the song called Dancing is cute. I am very thrilled to watch two of your movies. They are so wonderful. I cried tears of joy when hearing your rendition of Oh Holy Night. The childrens chorus never made me cry tears of joy but I was just so quiet. I forgot to ask my teacher to get me tickets to Dance of the Vampires for me and him. Actually he's my former aide. Anyway, I watched Forum a week ago and you were wonderful in it. I always feel like Christine every time you sing. Sometimes I get the giggles every time I think of you. I am very star struck. In April I fell asleep to the song called Music of the Night because it was so soothing. It helps you fall asleep at night plus it helps you get rid of the stress. I'm going to watch Forum again this weekend. I know the song called On My Own from Les Miserables. I liked the clip you showed from the music video called Only You. That's my favorite song from Starlight Express. I wonder what you will say when I bob my hair again. When my aide saw it she thought it was cute. Well, maybe when you and I are in Philly together you might see it and you might think it looks cute, too. But I don't know if cute is your style. Maybe it is, I don't know. See ya!

Name:Sharon Colby
Posted on:August 6, 2003 10:41 PM
Where are you from?: ,Chicago
Referred By: Just Surfed On In
Comments: Mr. Crawford, I just wanted to send you a letter to say thank you for all the joy you brought to my late mother and my family. My mother died, at the age of only 59, in October 1994 after a brave battle with breast cancer. Several years before she passed away, she and a friend were able to go to NYC and see you perform in "Phantom of the Opera". She was captivated by the show and could speak of nothing else for months. Your performance truely moved her. She went so far as to write you a letter detailing how incredible she thought yur performance was. Believe me, if you knew my mother, this was COMPLETELY out of character! She was thrilled to actually receive a response back from you, along with a signed photo. The fact that you took the time out of your incredibly bust schedule impressed the hell out of me. She adored you and persuaded me to have "All I Ask" from the show played at my wedding. It was a great choice! Mom was buried on October 17th, 1994, which also happened to be my second wedding anniversary. To this day, I can not listen to any songs from "Phantom" without weeping openly. This actually happened in a restaurant, which proved a bit embarrasing. However, it also brings back wonderful memories of my mom trying her best to sing each song from the soundtrack. She was quite smitten with you. Mr. Crawford, I am a Detective with the Chicago Police Department and see the worst of people day in and day out. It's hard to put into words the relief I feel when I'm able to listen to your CD's. Thank you for making my mother smile and laugh and cry. Thank you for giving my family some additional bittersweet memories and songs. And, on a personal level, thank you for making the world a little more harmonious. Best of luck to you! God Bless, Sharon Colby

Name:Christy Walk
Posted on:August 6, 2003 08:07 PM
Where are you from?: ,Fleetwood
Referred By: Just Surfed On In
Comments: Hi Michael! It's me once again.I love your beautiful voice and how cute you are! And I don't mean that other kind of cute! I mean, you're so bubbly! And that's what I mean by cute! I'm glad you're not as mean as any other actor in the theater business. By the way, I just love your dimples! They are so adorable! I'm 15 years old and my birthday is coming up and soon I'm going to get other albums of yours. I am hearing the song called Tonight from West Side Story. I would just love to see that musical someday. I am also glad that you're the king of nice.Isn't it nice that I get to chat with you online? I bet your bottom dollar that it is! I just got finished running outside and maybe you could sing the song called "Somewhere" from West Side Story with your friend Dale Kristien. But I'm sure that won't be until you record your next album. I'll see you when I see you!

Posted on:August 4, 2003 12:58 AM
Where are you from?: ,NM
Referred By: Search Engine
Comments: My Dearest Michael Crawford, You have been the biggest and one of the greatest things that has come over me. I have fallen asleep listening to your sweet and wonderful voice from the song "Music of the Night" from The Phantom of the Opera. I love the work you do and did. I am a very big fan. Since listening to the Phantom of the Opera, I have been trying to find an opera voice lesson teacher. It would be an enormous dream of mine if I could be able to work beside you in the Phantom of the Opera. I am a litte young to be an opera singer for such a part, but that is a goal of mine. A very big goal. thank you for your wonderful music and thank you for reading this. :D

Name:Brittany Dibble
Posted on:August 1, 2003 05:14 PM
Where are you from?: ,New Jersey
Referred By: Just Surfed On In
Comments: I made show choir at school, and Mr. MC remains my top, top....etc. inspiration. If I had to type why, I would be typing until my fingers fell off, or we would be here for decades and beyond. You could also say I anoy my friends because I speak and compliment him so often. Ok, everyday. LOL. I have never seen him in concert, and my heart fails everytime I miss him. But, thats probably what everyone says. LOL. But I truly mean it. With Love, Brittany.

Posted on:July 27, 2003 01:58 PM
Where are you from?: ,thailand
Referred By: Search Engine
Comments: hi,michael!I'm the one addicted to your magnificant the way, I 'm profoundly sorry about your beloved friend 's departure.I 'm looking for your next concert very eagerly,if u do i'll certainly arrange my schedule to attend your performance no matter where it 's.all right it's time to go back working ,take care

Posted on:July 24, 2003 11:45 AM
Where are you from?: ,London, ontario
Referred By: From a Friend
Comments: Hi Michael, your fans in Canada hope to see you in concert some day. Any chance of this happening soon? Take care...

Name:Katie Baird
Posted on:July 23, 2003 05:16 PM
Where are you from?: ,Akron, Ohio
Referred By: Just Surfed On In
Comments: Hi Michael,

I'm sorry to hear about the loss of your friend I know how you feel right now it's going to be hard for you but all you can do is to think of all the good times you had with him. I loved it when I got to see you in concert when you were in cleveland. I also loved you in the Phantom Of The Opera, Barnum, & Hello Dolly you were WONDERFUL! Stay The Same As You Are Don't Let Anyone Tell You Different.

Name:Rien van den Berg
Posted on:July 21, 2003 09:24 AM
Where are you from?: ,the Netherlands
Referred By: Just Surfed On In
Comments: dear Michael, Having a son with some brain distortion 'Whatever time there is' from Algernon is deeply moving over and over again.'Together with 'The colours of my life' and Gethsemaneh (the one from the Royal Variety Performance!)they will accompany me to the final end. Your songs, videos and book are within reach. Unfortunately I did not have a chance to see you in Holland (you know:the country famous for your picture frame with the girl with tulips in it) or the UK, but may be there will be a chance for me and my wife to see you live on stage somewhere some day. With great admiration, Rien

Name:Jenny Johnston
Posted on:July 17, 2003 01:22 AM
Where are you from?: ,Ulladulla NSW Australia
Referred By: Just Surfed On In
Comments: My Dear Michael, I just finished watching your "Birthday on Broadway" video. It was fantastic, you were in great form as usual. You allways have everyone laughing all the time. I only wish I could have been there too. I especially liked the part when your litle grandchildren sang to you. They are so lucky to have a wonderful Pappa. Thank you again for all the pleasure you give to so many people with your music. Love Jenny Johnston.

Posted on:July 16, 2003 10:34 PM
Where are you from?:
Referred By: Just Surfed On In
Comments: Fair Star of evening, Splendour of the west, Star of my country!- on the horizon's brink Thou hangest, stooping. as might seem, to sink On Englands boosom: yet well pleased to rest, Meanwhile, and be to her a glorious crest Conspicuous to the nations. Thou I think, Should'st be my Country's emblem; and should'st wink, Bright Star! with laughter on her banners, drest In thy fresh beauty. There! that dusky spot Beneath thee, that is England: there she lies. Blessings be on you both! WILLIAM WORDSWORTH My thoughts are with you x

Name:Christy Walk
Posted on:July 14, 2003 04:10 PM
Where are you from?: ,fleetwood
Referred By: Just Surfed On In
Comments: Hello again. I just wanted to say that I'm sorry for your loss. I just lost my grandfather in early March and I've been through that myself. I was in tears when I heard the sad news. But everything's going to be all right for the both of us, Michael. If not today then tomorrow. God bless you and be strong!

Name:Rebecca Timlin
Posted on:July 14, 2003 07:35 AM
Where are you from?: ,New Zealand
Referred By: Just Surfed On In
Comments: Hi Michael, I just wanted to say how sorry I am about your friend.I am thinking of you at this difficult time.I hope to see you in concert one day. Keep Well.

Name:Jacquelyn White
Posted on:July 13, 2003 02:37 PM
Where are you from?: ,Caa man say they lifornia
Referred By: Just Surfed On In
Comments: Dear micheal, i am so grieved to hear that your dear friend has passed away. i can understand what it means to lose a loved one and i am I truly sorry.i will be praying to Jesus that He sends you comfort through this time. keep well and of course keep singing because you do have the voice of an angel. i love your music and i loved you as the Phantom and that can never change.

Name:Christy Walk
Posted on:July 12, 2003 10:58 PM
Where are you from?: ,Fleetwood, PA
Referred By: Just Surfed On In
Comments: Hello! I saw the clips and they were just wonderful! Maybe you should put out more clips of the musical Barnum and of you in concert, Michael!

Posted on:July 12, 2003 01:28 AM
Where are you from?: ,Durham,NC(USA)
Referred By: Just Surfed On In
Comments: Hi Mr. Crawford. You have a God-given talent which I hope you will use wisely. You are the best singer I have ever heard, and to me you are the real Angel of Music. I have your On Eagle's Wings cd. I pray that this means you are a Christian. Since I'm pretty sure I'll never meet you here on Earth I pray that I'll get to talk to you and hear you sing in heaven. I know God would appreciate a voice like yours being used to glorify him. I know about this movie junk that is going on. I think it's rediculous. Of course you should be Erik, the Phantom. I just want you to know that I love you and am praying for you every night. In Christ,Mary(Erik's Biggest Phan)

Posted on:July 10, 2003 02:48 PM
Where are you from?: ,Seattle, WA
Referred By: Just Surfed On In
Comments: No real message, just wanted to say thanks for all the wonderful entertainment you've provided me over the years. I'm still hoping (wishing, praying) to see you perform live -- I think that would be the ultimate thrill.

Sorry to hear things haven't been going as well as one could wish with you. You are, and will be, in my thoughts and prayers. God bless!

Name:Melinda Joy Wise
Posted on:July 7, 2003 11:40 AM
Where are you from?: ,Arizona
Referred By: Just Surfed On In
Comments: HEY! I just wanted to say hi again because you are the most talented man I have ever known to live. Thank you so much for letting everyone in on your talent and thank you for being the first Phantom ever to hit the stage! I am terribly sorry to hear about your dear friend. I pray that you are consoled and comforted by friends and loved ones. AND HI ERICA! She's like such a great friend of mine! Thank you Michael!

Min Dear

Name:Erica Lauren DeLoach
Posted on:July 7, 2003 01:07 AM
Where are you from?: ,Florida, USA
Referred By: Just Surfed On In
Comments: Hello again, Michael! I was rather rushed in my last entry in this guestbook so I wanted to finish it. :-) First of all, Mr. Crawford, I am terribly sorry to hear about your agent's passing... Second, you have inspired me greatly! Ever since listening to your voice in Phantom, it has caused me to dream about performing on Broadway! One day, I pray I will meet you, and I'd wish I could perform with you someday, which is probably highly doubtful because I am only 14 years old. :-P But may God bless you through all you do and sing!

Name: lynda
Posted on:July 6, 2003 05:09 PM
Where are you from?: ,england. uk
Referred By: Just Surfed On In
Comments: hello, and all this time Miracles were leaning against Lamp-posts! I wish! Still crazy after all these years. Sorry to hear of recent loss of your friend. Lost 'Jones'/Christina four years ago. Lost my father two long years ago. Make sure you live forever! Mr. Crawford . Because I don't want to be singing 'My Best Friend Has Gone'! Much prefer hearing you sing it . love always

Posted on:July 5, 2003 10:31 PM
Where are you from?: ,Florida
Referred By: Search Engine
Comments: Hello Michael! I'm Erica and I'm 14 years old. Phantom of the Opera was the first musical I ever saw, after the show I bought the soundtrack and just fell in love with your voice! It's so beauitful. God has surely given you a wonderful talent!! I searched and searched for your other CD, "On Eagle's Wings" and when I finally gave up hope, I was terribly thrilled when I found it! You have stolen so many hearts with your lovely music!

Name:Carolyn Weaver
Posted on:July 1, 2003 05:43 PM
Where are you from?: ,Las Vegas, NV
Referred By: From a Friend
Comments: Dear Michael,

I was so sorry to hear about Mort. I know how much your friendship with Mort meant. I know you will get through this, but know I pray that you will endure this loss.

Take care and remember I may not be a member anymore, but am always yours friend.

With love,


Posted on:June 28, 2003 03:42 AM
Where are you from?:
Referred By: Just Surfed On In
Comments: great site!

Name:Melinda Joy Wise
Posted on:June 27, 2003 05:26 PM
Where are you from?: ,Phoenix, Arizona
Referred By: Just Surfed On In
Comments: Hello Michael. I didn't know you were having troubles, and I am still unclear as to what they are, but please accept my humble condolences. I am greatly grieved to hear that you are experiencing chest problems (if I am correct). I simply wanted you to know that I pray for your life to be a long, wonderful, God-filled and theater-filled life. I someday hope to sing with you. As of now I am recieving vocal lessons. Someday I wish to be the next Christine on Broadway, and one of the most memorable, as I love the play so much. My best friend, Gracie, loves you just as much as I do. We are two of your most devoted fans! Thank you so much for years and years of wonderful music! I hope someday that when I am a singer/actress (though that probably won't be for a long time... I'm 14, almost fifteen hehe) I can star along side you in a show, and finally meet the man whose voice has haunted me so. God bless, Mr. Crawford! And long live POTO!

Name:Sharon Joy Zarrow
Posted on:June 27, 2003 12:42 PM
Where are you from?: ,Phoenix AZ.
Referred By: Just Surfed On In
Comments: Dear Michael Yes, it is me again with a new e-mail, I hope you all find it funny I have a strange sense of humor and it is my mother's favorite saying to me. My Mum not nice , like she named your middle name dumbell. Well let's forget that. I wanted to say I hope you are well and healthy now and strong. All finished with that chested infection I hope. Look I am truly sorry again about Mort your friend and agent.I can only hope for better things to come for you michael, and I am sorry for your loss. And as I said my sympathy to his family. Sharon J Zarrow Take Care Michael Hang in there!

Name:Jolyssa ((Jolie)) Reynolds
Posted on:June 25, 2003 08:23 PM
Where are you from?: ,Woulnd't YOU like to know ....
Referred By: Just Surfed On In
Comments: Dear Mr. Crawford, you are a wonderful actor and, allow me, a flippin'g "Angel of Music!" I love you and your work, and would very much enjoy it if you came to lil' ol' Lapeer, Michigan. I only know that you stole the hearts of many as you starred in "The Phantom of the Opera" . . .Which no other Phantom can take your place. I do not know if you read these posts, but my life would be ((almost)) complete if you did. ((For God's sake, I'm only 12!)) And judging by many of these posts, you were expiriencing many difficulties in your personal life. May God keep you and I don't mean to press these matters on you, but I am terribly sorry, though I cannot fully understand the pain in which you have sufferd.

Name:Jolyssa ((Jolie)) Reynolds
Posted on:June 25, 2003 08:22 PM
Where are you from?:
Referred By: Just Surfed On In
Comments: Dear Mr. Crawford, you are a wonderful actor and, allow me, a flippin'g "Angel of Music!" I love you and your work, and would very much enjoy it if you came to lil' ol' Lapeer, Michigan. I only know that you stole the hearts of many as you starred in "The Phantom of the Opera" . . .Which no other Phantom can take your place. I do not know if you read these posts, but my life would be ((almost)) complete if you did. ((For God's sake, I'm only 12!)) And judging by many of these posts, you were expiriencing many difficulties in your personal life. May God keep you and I don't mean to press these matters on you, but I am terribly sorry, though I cannot fully understand the pain in which you have sufferd.

Posted on:June 25, 2003 07:54 PM
Where are you from?: ,wonthaggi, vic, australia
Referred By: Just Surfed On In
Comments: thank you so much for your love of beautiful music which you have shared with us over the years through your voice. look after yourself you are very special. are you coming back to australia soon? best wishes from your friend in music natalie.

Name:Ellen E. Dunn
Posted on:June 25, 2003 06:30 PM
Where are you from?: ,Ohio,US
Referred By: Just Surfed On In
Comments: Dear Michael: Am so sorry about your friend will miss him. And you certainly have not been having the best of years have you? Things will get better and meanwhile you have my sympathy for your loss and my support for what lays ahead for you on your journey....fondly, Ellen

Name:Deb P
Posted on:June 25, 2003 03:43 PM
Where are you from?: ,Minnesota
Referred By: Just Surfed On In
Comments: Michael, My thoughts and prayers are with you and with Mort's family at this time. Take care, Deb

Name:Leila D.Curry
Posted on:June 25, 2003 08:35 AM
Where are you from?: ,Nassau,Bahamas
Referred By: Just Surfed On In
Comments: Michael,I went onto your website this morning 25th June,2003 as I always do every morning & as I was reading it I was so shocked to read about your agent "Mort Viner" passing on. My thoughts & prayers are with you & Mort's family at this time as you grieve over his loss!!! I'll be sending you a sympathy card next week,so MICHAEL KEEP STRONG & MAY GOD,JESUS CHRIST BE WITH YOU & MORT'S FAMILY THROUGH THESE HARD THAT YOU ARE ALL EXPERIENCING AT THIS TIME!!


Name:Gordy Omolaiye
Posted on:June 25, 2003 08:10 AM
Where are you from?: ,Nigeria( west Africa)
Referred By: Just Surfed On In
Comments: Hi Michael, thanks for all the laughter you have brought to my face all these years, from some mothers do 'ave em through the phantom of the opra to your current musical releases. God bless you and sorry about Mr Viner.

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