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Name:Christine Deverell
Posted on:April 27, 2003 05:49 AM
Where are you from?: ,Tasmania
Referred By: Just Surfed On In
Comments: I have just received another 2 CD's I love relaxing to Michael's wonderful voice. I would love to have the chance to see him in concert, maybe one day he will visit us Aussies again. Unfortunately being on an island we don't get many chances to see big celebraties, but I wouldn't give up living here for the world, we are in Paradise. Well done Michael, you are a great entertainer.

Posted on:April 27, 2003 05:42 AM
Where are you from?:
Referred By: Just Surfed On In

Name:Jenny Johnston
Posted on:April 27, 2003 02:33 AM
Where are you from?: ,Ulladulla NSW Australia
Referred By: Just Surfed On In
Comments: Dear Michael, I keep a constant watch on the Net for any news of your next project.Do you think you may be touring in the future? We would all love to see you in Australia again. My friends and I are ready for the long wait if you come to Warringah Mall again. Lots of sucess in finding a new project. Love Jenny Johnston XXXXXXX

Posted on:April 26, 2003 08:50 PM
Where are you from?: ,New England
Referred By: Just Surfed On In
Comments: Dear Mr. Michael Crawford, I have just been wondering, since the unexpected fall of DOTV, if perhaps you were considering going back to Broadway as the Phantom, or perhaps considering going on tour. I know I am not alone is saying that I would love to see you as the Phantom in the upcoming movie version. Meanwhile I am listening to your CDs and watching your MC In Concert DVD. Thank you for the happiness you have brought me from your beautiful voice. A 15 yr old fan called Sarah

Posted on:April 25, 2003 07:33 PM
Where are you from?: ,Sydney, Australia
Referred By: From a Friend
Comments: Proud of you, Michael. Fondest thoughts to you!

Your old friend, Angela. XO

Name:Anneliza McCallum
Posted on:April 24, 2003 04:52 PM
Where are you from?: ,Canada via Scotland
Referred By: Search Engine
Comments: I have laughed and cried for nearly 30 years because of Mr. Michael Crawford for which I thank him most earnestly. There were oft times I blurted out an involuntary, "Oh dear!" while watching 'Some Mothers Do have 'em. I was so sure (still am) he must have hurt himself numerous times. It was one of the best comedic shows and a joy to watch.

About Mr. Crawford's voice: I cannot add anything more to the words of his many fans except to say, like them, he brings great joy to my life. Bless you, From a wee Scottish grannie.

Posted on:April 24, 2003 04:01 PM
Where are you from?: ,Ede, Netherlands
Referred By: Search Engine
Comments: A great British singer! Did he ever performed in the King Singers? Best wishes from Marije

Name:Rika G.
Posted on:April 22, 2003 06:34 PM
Where are you from?: ,Alexandria, VA - USA
Referred By: Just Surfed On In
Comments: I am awestruck by such a wonderful site/group for such a wonderful performer and person as Mr. Crawford. He is an phenominal singer/actor and inspiring soul, and well deserving of all the success he has been blessed with. Keep up the wonderful work in tribute of this "phantastic" legend!

Name:Tonnie van Uum-van Mulken
Posted on:April 20, 2003 12:01 PM
Where are you from?: ,Maastricht Netherlands
Referred By: Just Surfed On In
Comments: Hello, I think about 30 years ago I saw "Billy". After the show Michael invited me for a dinner. At the moment "Some mothers do have'm" is on the Belgian TV. So the nice rememberings about Michael came back. He is a very symphatic man.I have a nice picture from him and me from 30 years ago. Greetings from Maastricht.(Holland)

Name: christine Deverell
Posted on:April 16, 2003 06:58 AM
Where are you from?: ,Tasmania
Referred By: Just Surfed On In
Comments: I first saw michael several years ago on the television and I fell in love with the voice, since that time I have purchased lots of CD's . He has the most dreamy face I,m sure he must be a wonderful person. My dream would be to someday meet this great person.

Posted on:April 15, 2003 06:57 AM
Where are you from?: ,Australia
Referred By: Newsgroup
Comments: Great Idea

Name:Lisa (again)
Posted on:April 14, 2003 07:41 AM
Where are you from?: ,Italy
Referred By: Just Surfed On In
Comments: In day where everything seems to go wrong, I’ve just received your autograph... It was a ray of sun after the rain. From the bottom of my heart...thank you!

Posted on:April 9, 2003 03:32 PM
Where are you from?: ,Italy
Referred By: Just Surfed On In
Comments: I don't know if Michael will read this... I've write to you four times at two different addresses. One at the Minskoff during Dance of the Vampires; one for Christmas; one for your birthday (including a gift) and one after the end of the show. At this point I choose to wish you Happy Easter here…..I hope you’ll read it. Maybe one day I’ll receive your autograph… Greetings from Italy!

Posted on:April 5, 2003 04:00 PM
Where are you from?: ,Buffalo, New York
Referred By: Just Surfed On In
Comments: When my husband was in the Navy, we were stationed in Scotland where we got to watch Michael on TV in his TV sitcom of "Some Mothers have em". We so enjoyed that program. It was a few years later before we connected that Michael with the Michael on "Hello Dolly" and still later before we connected him to "The Phantom". How could this person be the same one from Some Mothers to the Phantom? But it was the same and we are both so pleased to be able to say how much we both enjoy not only his acting, but his singing.

Posted on:April 3, 2003 08:21 PM
Where are you from?: ,Georgia, USA
Referred By: From a Friend
Comments: I am 15 and i have just discovered Broadway. Since June I have heard many broadway singers, Michael is by far the best. I wish I could have gotten to see Dance of the Vampires. The soundtrack is amazing....and Mandy is amazing in it too. YOUR THE BEST MICHAEL!!!!!!!!!!

Name:Sandra Paquette
Posted on:April 2, 2003 04:25 PM
Where are you from?: ,Vermont
Referred By: Just Surfed On In
Comments: What can one say about the Greatest Broadway star of all time!! There are not any words in our English language that would even come close to describing Michael's talents. What a star, in every sense on the word. I belive that when God was handing out talents, he knew what he was going to give Michael, and Michael has and continues to share it with us. I don't know who reads these entries, but, hey, you never know, these words might actually get to him. God Bless You, Michael, and thank you for sharing your voice with all of us. Sincerely, Sandra

Posted on:April 2, 2003 08:50 AM
Where are you from?: ,France
Referred By: Just Surfed On In
Comments: Bravi...bravi...bravissimi to you, Michael!! Une si belle voix, tant d'émotion, de douceur, de sincérité, de passion! Je viens tout juste de découvrir Michael Crawford et je me demande comment j'ai pu ne pas l'avoir connu plus tôt! "Music of the Night"...Just only one song suffies me to be conquered by your splendid voice!

Name:Mark Price
Posted on:April 1, 2003 09:40 PM
Where are you from?: ,NY
Referred By: Just Surfed On In
Comments: Hi MCIFA, I hope you are all doing well. It was great having so many of you at Dance of the Vampires. I wanted to keep you updated on my future performances. I am performing in a new avante garde dance theater piece THE GREEN VIOLIN in philadelphia is the link. thanks for your support, mark

Name:bronwyn west
Posted on:April 1, 2003 06:06 PM
Where are you from?: ,columbus ohio
Referred By: Just Surfed On In
Comments: Ever since I saw Hello Dolly in singapore, I have loved hearing Michael sing. I listen to his cd,s as much as I can and would love to see him come to columbus again. I would like to thank him for all the enjoyment he has given his fans all these years. a fan,and friend,mary bronwyn west

Posted on:March 31, 2003 03:55 AM
Where are you from?: ,Blackpool
Referred By: Just Surfed On In
Comments: dear mr crawford, I thought u were great in some mothers do ave em and also I think u have a great singing voice,at the moment i'm driving everyone crazy with playing the soundtrack to the phantom of the opera.My favourite film that I saw u in was the jokers,do u think u will ever vist blackpool.

Name:Taylor Pollock
Posted on:March 27, 2003 08:51 PM
Where are you from?: ,Columbus, GA
Referred By: Search Engine
Comments: I'm 6 years old and I wanted to tell you I really like your work. My favorite song is "Baby Mine" from the movie Dumbo. I like your voice and I hope you keep singing. Your friend Taylor.

Name:Franceska Zweifler
Posted on:March 27, 2003 03:43 PM
Where are you from?: ,New York
Referred By: Just Surfed On In
Comments: Hi, Saw "Dance" when it was in previews and enjoyed it tremendously. I was sorry to see it close. I was also sorry to miss your "Birthday Bash" but I had to work that weekend. I will be participating in the MS Walk on April 6th, walking with the MCIFA team, and I have been successful in raising quite a bit of money, and looking forward to raising more. I hope to see you in a new show in the near future!!! :)

Name:Martha Armstrong
Posted on:March 19, 2003 03:34 PM
Where are you from?: ,St. Petersburg, Florida
Referred By: Just Surfed On In
Comments: Enjoying your Memoirs. Wish they would keep playing "Some Mothers" on our PBS, but they quit, maybe, just for now.

Name:Tanya Kapustina
Posted on:March 15, 2003 04:06 PM
Where are you from?: ,Russia
Referred By: Just Surfed On In

My dear friend Margaret from MCIFA has sent to me a video "Barnum" and I already have seen it 3 times during 2 days! I enjoy it very much!!! And I'm convinced you were the great actor long before the POTO! Yours Barnum is simply brilliant! How do you turn out well to combine in yourselves so much various talents? It is easier to me to tell that you can not do... You can not be a slapdash! It is a pity, that there is only one of your Theatre performance on a video!You see,"It'll never be enough "!:))))

God bless You!

With LOVE - Tanya from Russia

Posted on:March 14, 2003 11:25 AM
Where are you from?: ,Turlock, CA!
Referred By: Search Engine
Comments: I am only 17 years old but i love michael crawford! I fist saw him in Hello Dolly and ever since I have just loved what he does. He is an awesome singer, actor, and all around person. I want to marry him.

Posted on:March 13, 2003 05:46 PM
Where are you from?: ,New Jersey
Referred By: Search Engine
Comments: Listened to his music as a pre-teen and teen.Still do some times.I do volunteer work for people with facial differences.The Phantom mini-series with Charles Dance in the lead role was really good. _Colleen

Name:Sujin Hong
Posted on:March 13, 2003 12:30 AM
Where are you from?: ,S.Korea
Referred By: Search Engine
Comments: Micheal... I love you so much... and I love Phantom... I heard Phantom...everyday...

Posted on:March 11, 2003 05:18 PM
Where are you from?: ,Italy
Referred By: Just Surfed On In
Comments: We'll miss you, Michael... Come back on stage as soon as you can, we'll wait you.... A big kiss!!

Posted on:March 9, 2003 06:05 PM
Where are you from?: ,Florida
Referred By: Search Engine
Comments: Hi! I hope Michael Crawford reads these personally because I believe Michael Crawford has the greatest voice ever! When I first saw The Phantom of the Opera, I loved it. After the show, I bought the original soundtrack to Phantom. I read "Michael Crawford as the Phantom". I had thought to myself, "Hmm, I wonder if he's any good." When I played that soundtrack, I was blown away! Michael Crawford wasn't "good"... he was awesome!!! Whever I hear anyone else sing the Phantom besides Michael, I am not as excited because Michael is the best. (That's also why he should definitely be casted as the Phantom in the upcoming movie.)His voice fits the Phantom PERFECTLY (sweet, soft, persuasive, inticing)!!! I am a big fan of Michael Crawford and always will be!

Posted on:March 7, 2003 04:25 PM
Where are you from?: ,New York
Referred By: Search Engine
Comments: I dont know if Michael personally reads these little enteries..but if he does that shows great comitment to his fans. Not a lot of 14 year olds appreciate Broadway or talented voices and acting, but I do. And fell in love with Michael Crawford voice when I first heard it after I bought the Phantom of the Opera CD. I had seen POTO one year but never appreciated the music until I heard Michael's voice. It's so strange..I cry every time I listen to the CD..not normal for a teenager, but the music truely is beautiful. I wish I could change the ending...if I were Christine, I'd take the Phantom over Raoul just because his voice and he is really hot under the mask, really under the mask. If you do read this, Michael I would LOVE to get a reply from you. I would frame it! My friend got your autograph when he went to see Dance of the Vampires and got me a copy. EXCITING!


Posted on:March 4, 2003 06:46 PM
Where are you from?: ,Notheast Ohio
Referred By: Just Surfed On In
Comments: Michael; Happy 6th Birthday to your grandson, today, March 4th.

Name:Kathie R.
Posted on:March 4, 2003 06:41 PM
Where are you from?: ,Northeast Ohio
Referred By: Just Surfed On In
Comments: Dear Michael; You appear to have forgotten your honorary younger sister. I love you more than words can say, but I have received no words from you in a very long time. Your theater talents are fabulous, yet you have disappointed my heart. ---Kathie R.

Posted on:March 4, 2003 08:36 AM
Where are you from?: ,LOME-TOGO
Referred By: From a Friend

Name:Judy Daugherty
Posted on:March 3, 2003 11:58 AM
Where are you from?:
Referred By: Just Surfed On In
Comments: I really like your site!

Name:Hyewon Kim
Posted on:March 2, 2003 02:24 AM
Where are you from?: ,S. Korea
Referred By: E-Mail
Comments: Hello, Micheal! My name is Hyewon Kim I'm 18 years old I live in s. Korea. I heard "Phantom of the Opera" every night. I have been singing along to the CD every night you will always be my favorite singer~! I think you have a wonderful voice and want to know what you are doing nowadays. A lot of Korean Fans always missing you. God Bless.

- From. Korea -

Posted on:February 26, 2003 01:24 PM
Where are you from?: ,Galveston,Texas
Referred By: Just Surfed On In
Comments: Hi Michael, I wanted to tell you that I have all your CD's and I even taped a late night interview with Bob Costas! I have seen "Phantom" (both versions) but I was never able to see you. I hear that maybe they will make a "Phantom" movie but you won't be in it. I think you have a wonderful voice and want to know what you are doing nowadays. God Bless

Posted on:February 25, 2003 01:20 PM
Where are you from?: ,Canada
Referred By: Just Surfed On In
Comments: Hi Michael Crawford, My name is Michael Day I`m 23 years old. Did you have a good Christams last year? Who`s is going to play The Phantom after you in Eniglind? I hope to hear from you soon. sinerly yours MICHAEL THOMAS DAY.

Posted on:February 25, 2003 01:19 PM
Where are you from?: ,Canada
Referred By: Just Surfed On In
Comments: Hi Michael Crawford, My name is Michael Day I`m 23 years old. Did you have a good Christams last year? Who`s is going to play The Phantom after you in Eniglind? I hope to hear from you soon. sinerly yours MICHAEL THOMAS DAY.

Name:Ruth Hill
Posted on:February 24, 2003 10:40 PM
Where are you from?: ,Duncanville, TX
Referred By: Just Surfed On In
Comments: I have been a fan of Michael's since 1992. I joined the MCIFA back in 1999 after seeing Michael live in concert in Tampa Bay, FL. He will always be my all-time favorite entertainer!! I love his Phantom. I am curious about this rumor concerning Star Wars. I have a pen pal from England whom I met through this association, and he is a big fan of Star Wars. He introduced me to the new ones. I wouldn't see them till he told me to. But that's another story. It would be really neat if Michael did do it, but I doubt Hollywood would be smart enough to jump at the chance to cast him.

Name:Chris Cunningham
Posted on:February 22, 2003 07:07 PM
Where are you from?: ,Salford
Referred By: Just Surfed On In
Comments: Dear Michael, I've been reading the rumours about Star Wars: Episode 3? If they're true, jump at the chance, it'll be an opportunity to see your acting talent in a completely different context.

Good Luck with everything anyway.

Yours Faithfully, Chris Cunningham.

Name:Ms Rosemary Wood
Posted on:February 21, 2003 05:18 PM
Where are you from?: ,Gold Coast, Qld. Australia
Referred By: Just Surfed On In
Comments: Dear Michael Greetings from the normally sunny Queensland city of the Gold Coast where God has answered our prayers for much needed rain! Yesterday I arrived home from teaching my delightful class of 7 year olds to find a package on the doorstep. My eldest sister had sent me a birthday present...the 'Michael Crawford in Concert' video. Thank you Michael for 60 mins of pleasure that revived my spirit! Like you, I have two beautiful daughters. My eldest, currently studying Medicine in Brisbane, asked what I would like for my birthday on Monday. Perhaps a prayer that two like-souls may one day meet? Warmest regards Rosemary

Name:Mary Johnson
Posted on:February 19, 2003 07:04 PM
Where are you from?: ,Atlanta, GA
Referred By: Just Surfed On In
Comments: There is no Phantom but Michael. If Hollywood tries to cast anyone else, they're crazy! Keep singing!

Name:Terry Aintree
Posted on:February 19, 2003 06:17 AM
Where are you from?: ,Nebraska
Referred By: Just Surfed On In
Comments: I've heard this Star Wars rumour too. I've a friend who lives in Bristol (in the west of England, near Wales) and he emailed me Monday night with the same story. So, is it true Michael? Oh, say that it is, that would just rock.

love Terry

Name:George Dawes
Posted on:February 19, 2003 05:54 AM
Where are you from?: ,New York
Referred By: Search Engine
Comments: Michael,

Hi, I'm a life-long fan but first time writer. I sure hope you're reading this!!!! I saw DOTV on the 16th January and loved it - you were amazing!!! I went with a group of us here on the Lower East-Side and boy the shiver I got down my spine when you came on stage - I had to FORCE myself to calm down!! I wish I could've met you but we had to shoot straight off so I just wanted to say THANK YOU and I sure hope you land the Phantom movie role, they'd be MAD not to take you on!!!

Talking about movies, I've got a question to ask you, as I'm being bugged my son about this non-stop!!! Whilst over in England visiting an old room mate a fortnight ago he saw an article in the Sun newspaper (in a section called "Wicked Whispers") where three young journalists mention the fact that your name is being linked to a "substantial" role in the next Star Wars film. The thing that's got him excited is that it says that you are due to play a politician on a planet called Aterarn (I think!!!). Him and his friends have been fans of the films since they were little boys, and are very excited about this news - funnily enough it's the first time he's ever really shared his Dad's interest in you before, and truth be told I'm quite enjoying his enthusiasm!!!!

I hope to see you, whether it be on the big screen or at the theatre, very soon.

God Bless

George Dawes NY

Name:Luke Madamba
Posted on:February 17, 2003 01:16 AM
Where are you from?: ,Los Banos, Laguna, Philippines
Referred By: Just Surfed On In
Comments: Michael Crawford is my all-time favorite west end (London) and broadway (New York) musical actor. His role as the Phantom of the Opera is beautiful and excellent. Michael Crawford is the best Phantom of the Opera actor in history.

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