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All messages will be forwarded to Michael, but individual replies will not be sent.

Posted on:October 25, 2005 01:26 PM
Where are you from?: ,UK NORFOLK
Referred By: Just Surfed On In

Posted on:October 25, 2005 01:24 PM
Where are you from?: ,Jupiter, FL
Referred By: Search Engine
Comments: I have been a fan since first seeing Michael film Hello Dolly in NY. I was lucky enough to meet him briefly then. I love everything that MIchael does & think he is one of the greatest talents there is. Please keep the beautiful music coming.

Posted on:October 24, 2005 04:25 PM
Where are you from?: ,ca, usa
Referred By: Just Surfed On In
Comments: Hi, Michael I am a big fan of yours. I checked in today for a special reason – I THINK that I saw you last week in Oakland, California! It may sound silly and funny to you or others, but I still can’t convince myself that it wasn’t you. It was on last Monday or Tuesday (10/17, or 18) in a sunny afternoon, I went for a quick walk along the nearby Lake Merritt during my break as usual. But I spied an unusual figure – a gentleman (seems in his 60’s) with running shoes, blue running shorts and a white T-shirt walking toward me. His unique long legs got me think about you immediately. I stared at his face till he passed by me and then I went “OMG! Can it really be Michael Crawford?” I turned around to watch his back a few times and almost went to ask his name. But I didn’t dare to because I thought it was foolish to even think that you could be anywhere close to Oakland. But when I watched your DVDs again, I can’t help but thinking the gentleman I saw were you. LOL. So if you ever read my message, please tell me that I was wrong. I know if I wasn’t, I would be kicking myself for not to stop and say Hi to you when passing by you. Hope you'll bring your concert to California, especially the Bay Area, some day soon. Best wishes.

Name:Vicki Boston
Posted on:October 24, 2005 03:06 PM
Where are you from?: ,USA
Referred By: Just Surfed On In
Comments: Hey Michael. Great news pal. On Andrew Lloyd Webber's Website, they had the BEST PHANTOM poll. Well natually, you won. Way to go. I can hardly wait til January 9th. Erik's big night, when he DE-CLAWS those Crazy Jellicle Cats(WHANNNNN)LOL. Best of luck PHANTOM OF MANHATTAN. I'll be having a special party that night, for You,Andrew, AND Erik. Bye for now. Vicki.@;-)

Name:Katie Kaus
Posted on:October 18, 2005 04:33 PM
Where are you from?: ,Rockledge, Florida, USA
Referred By: Search Engine
Comments: Hello Michael,

I am 23 and the first time I saw Phantom of the Opera was in 1993, 12 years ago. After seeing it for the first time I immediately bought the soundtrack. Your voice was such an inspiration to me that I became involved in theatre. You were my first crush growing up, and have been a true person to admire. I am hoping to go to your concert in Orlando. I wish you the best! Congratulations on all your acclaim in Woman in White. Keep up the phenomenal singing and acting!!!!

Posted on:October 17, 2005 06:32 PM
Where are you from?: ,wolverhampton
Referred By: Just Surfed On In
Comments: You're a top man michael

Name:chris holmes
Posted on:October 15, 2005 12:56 PM
Where are you from?: ,barrington illinois
Referred By: Just Surfed On In
Comments: hi im so glad to hear your wonderful voice on the phantom cd and i saw u in women in white u were as good as ever. hope u come to chicago again to perform one of your concerts. all the phantom fans miss u

past the point of no return no backward glances. the games weve played till now are at an end

Posted on:October 15, 2005 12:45 AM
Where are you from?: ,barrington illinois
Referred By: From a Friend
Comments: i hope u do a concert in chicago we miss your truly talented voice in the windy city and i havent seen u here for a long time come back to chicago and gives us fans the treat of hearing your wonderful voice fill the theatre with power and precision

past the point of no return no backward glances

Name:Raymond Weaver
Posted on:October 13, 2005 07:09 PM
Where are you from?: ,Clearwater, Florida
Referred By: Just Surfed On In
Comments: Dear Michael, Enjoy your music. I wonder if you ever thought of doing a remake of The Student Prince?

Posted on:October 12, 2005 04:10 PM
Where are you from?: ,New Zealand
Referred By: Just Surfed On In
Comments: Hello Michael, Hopefully coming over to see your new play next year, I really injoyed your last concert in Auckland, its time we saw you hear again, Elaine

Posted on:October 9, 2005 11:13 AM
Where are you from?:
Referred By: Just Surfed On In
Comments: I just wanna say how much I really think you are the most faboulous person in the world!! Your voice it so great and smashingly wonderful. I'm 14 and i'm going to join your fanclub as soon as I'm old enough. My dream is to meet you one day. Please do some concerts in england one day!!! I'm looking forward to watching some mothers do av em, which is on tv tonight(it should be on every week, or better still, every day) You are sooooo great!!!!

Posted on:October 9, 2005 07:32 AM
Where are you from?: ,nigeraia
Referred By: Just Surfed On In
Comments: hi michael, i love u!!! u were wonderful in Some mothers do ave them!!! its a must see for me anytime, anyday!! never get tired of watching frank!! he is absolutely hilarious and horrendous at the same time!! so loveable!! wish u more n more n more success in ur endeavours!!! cheers!!!

Posted on:October 6, 2005 08:43 AM
Where are you from?: ,wiltshire
Referred By: Just Surfed On In
Comments: HI, michael my partner is a huge fan of yours and i would love him to meet you or see you in a show but i dont know where to start?? ive got all your videos and dvds for christmas for him and just would love to give him an extra christmas present. so if someone could help me i would be greatful.

Name:Harriet Turner
Posted on:October 3, 2005 05:41 PM
Where are you from?: ,England
Referred By: Just Surfed On In
Comments: Hi Michael! It's such a shame I wasn't alive to see you perfom in The Phantom of the opera, you are a totally amaising person. I think it's really kind of you to be involved in childrens charities, you deserve an award for the worlds kindest man (and the most handsome). I love your music to bits, your voice is so hipnotic and relaxing. I also loved you as Frank Spencer in Some Mother's Do Ave' Em', you were so adorable. I'm 16 and doing a project in art at college and it involves you. We have to do a 'shrine' of our idol/icon. So I picked you, I hope you don't mind. Don't worry, I'm not one of those obsessive fan girls, but I am a BIG fan of yours. I hope you return to England soon. We all miss you. I know you'll probably hear this from all of your female fans, but it's my dream to meet you one day. Even if it's only for one minute, just having the chance to talk to you would be a dream come true. I hope to be joining your fan club very soon. Take care of yourself now. Bye x

Name:Lara Crewe-Hergest
Posted on:October 2, 2005 11:02 AM
Where are you from?: ,England
Referred By: Just Surfed On In
Comments: Dear Michael, I am a huge fan of yours & my greatest wish has always been to see you as the Phantom in London. I have seen the show 6 times in the UK & have enjoyed every single one, but would love to see you in the role, will that ever happen again? I have bought the original cast recording CD of Phantom in London & as everyone else has said, you are the one & only; your voice is amazing. I've just finished reading your autobiography for the second time, first time 6 years ago & thoroughly enjoyed it as much the second time round, your humour is wonderful, had me in stitches many a time! I also have the DVD of phantom, but there's no comparison with the stage version, no atmosphere. Thank you for all the enjoyment that you have given to me, as a result of your immense talent. Take care, Best Wishes Lara.

Name:Alexis Strahlendorf
Posted on:October 1, 2005 01:58 PM
Where are you from?: ,Voorhees, N.J
Referred By: Just Surfed On In
Comments: Hi Michael , my name is Alexis Strahlendorf Im' 8 years old me and my best friend Gabby are doing the play phantom of the opera and we lisson to the phantom of the opera cd in the play Gabby and I are doing I play Christine and my friend plays' phantom of the opera.Im a huge huge fan of phantom of the opera bye.

Name:Jackie Tomkinson
Posted on:September 30, 2005 08:35 PM
Where are you from?: ,Rugby, England, UK
Referred By: Just Surfed On In
Comments: Hi Micheal, just discovered your fan club so joined. I recently bought your concert DVD and I love it. I had already heard the CD of the concert but to see it 'live' as it were, made it all the more enjoyable. I love watching you been the phantom, to see the way you 'played' the role with Dale in phantom of the opera was so wonderful to watch. I loved you singing music of the night you make it feel and sound hypnotic. And I love your Jean Kelly act and Andrew and you becoming the phantom. Keep up the good work. Come and say Hi to us in England soon, but be warned we are having a lot of rain! (what's new eh!!) take care love Jackie.

Posted on:September 30, 2005 08:44 AM
Where are you from?: ,England
Referred By: From a Friend
Comments: Hiya, just so you know, Sandra Nightingale is actually Kat Nixon from LWC! hehehe Ur a dude and she loves ya.. Take care now! lol xxxx Sophie

Posted on:September 30, 2005 08:16 AM
Where are you from?: ,Perth Western Australia
Referred By: Search Engine
Comments: Dear Michael

I have enjoyed listening to your wonderful voice. You have the best ever. My son is thoroughly enjoying your "Some Mothers Do Have Them" DVDs. Haven't heard him laugh like that in years. I hope that one day soon you will be back visiting us in Perth Western Australia. Thankyou for the enjoyment you give me and my family.

Name:sandra nightingale
Posted on:September 28, 2005 05:15 PM
Where are you from?: ,England
Referred By: Just Surfed On In
Comments: I'm 15 and I wanted to say that i totally love you, your voice is amazing and i am sooo jealous of my mum because she went to see you as the phantom!-i wasn't even alive then. Will you perform in England again?I hope you will, untill that time have fun with your next performances!

Posted on:September 25, 2005 08:13 PM
Where are you from?: ,Columbus
Referred By: Search Engine
Comments: MICHAEL CRAWFORD IS, ALWAYS HAS BEEN, AND ALWAYS WILL BE THE REAL PHANTOM OF THE OPERA! GERARD BUTLER?? UH...NO! The man has no expression when he *tries* to sing. On the other hand, Michael's voice just makes you melt!

Name:jake grace
Posted on:September 24, 2005 02:11 PM
Where are you from?: ,georgia
Referred By: Just Surfed On In
Comments: I am a huge fan I loved you as the phantom in phantom of the opera. I have never seen you perform but i love all your cds.

Posted on:September 22, 2005 07:21 PM
Where are you from?: ,Florida
Referred By: Just Surfed On In
Comments: OMG *is dying from love* Never got to see you perform but I have the CD for die for you are by far the best Phantom ever...Much better than Gerard Butler! He sucked! well thats my opinion...Oh just a comment from my mind...If you happen to get this listen to Christina Jones...Trust me you will love her! ((Shes my voice teacher I would know))

Posted on:September 22, 2005 04:51 AM
Where are you from?: ,Shanghai, China
Referred By: Search Engine
Comments: Dear Mr. Crawford,

This is Phil, the executive webmaster of No.1 Chinese Musical Site and Forum).

Congrats to your success in the latest concert. To be honest, I really feel so sorry that I couldn't come to watch it with my own eyes. Personally, I am a big fan of you, so is my wife. We always listen to the OLC soundtrack of POTO and really can't find anyone else interpretes Phantom so well as you do.

Besides, there are lots of musical fans who loves you and your voices so much in China, especially in our site. You may have known that POTO has just made its great success in Shanghai, China, by 100 full-house shows. But that is really nothing to us since you were not singing there.

So why don't you plan to hold a concert in China? And I mean Shanghai for sure. Shanghai is a city that combines western and eastern culturals very well so both sides can find their chances there. People here enjoys western music masterpieces as well as they enjoy the delicious Chinese foods. And also, "the Original Phantom" can be a big slogan to attract the audiences just right after the amazing success that POTO has just taken.

Please, please consider about this, Mr. OP!

Posted on:September 20, 2005 06:52 PM
Where are you from?: ,St.Louis,MO
Referred By: Just Surfed On In
Comments: Dear Mr.Crawford, I must complaiment on your abilites as EXCELLIANT! The Phantom music,especially puts the hairs on the back of my neck stand on end.Phantom,you and many other actors and actresses inspire me so much to go into theatre.Thank you so much for your abilites on your career,you are most indeed awesome!

Posted on:September 20, 2005 01:34 AM
Where are you from?: ,Australia
Referred By: From a Friend
Comments: Hello when are you coming back to Australia?

Posted on:September 19, 2005 07:36 PM
Where are you from?: ,Michigan
Referred By: Search Engine
Comments: I agree with Shastri (March 2005 guestbook), you are a wonderful performer and most would pay much to see you in person. I too discovered you long after you stopped performing. Shastri I think I know you? Do you know Tim

Name:Chloe G
Posted on:September 18, 2005 07:37 PM
Where are you from?: ,Philadelphia
Referred By: Just Surfed On In
Comments: Hello, Although I have never seen you play "The Phantom" I bought the original cast version after seeing the Majestic Theatre show.

I enjoy your voice, good luck at all of your preformances.


Name:Sandra Bruce
Posted on:September 18, 2005 12:31 AM
Where are you from?: ,Brighton,England
Referred By: Just Surfed On In
Comments: Dear Michael,pleased to hear the concerts are going well and you are back to good health.Hoping that we will see you in concert in England soon,dont forget us here in Brighton.Look after yourself,all the very best from Sandra.

Name:Gladys Pentland-Merkley
Posted on:September 14, 2005 03:35 PM
Where are you from?: ,Gravenhurst,Ontario. Canada
Referred By: Just Surfed On In
Comments: Dear Mr Crawford I must tell you that you cheer me up every time that life seems to bring me down. You are part of my everyday life. You are my music when I am at my desk working,when I cant sleep I will be viewing one of your vhs on the tele & God forbid,your pixie photo is on my desk at all time.No one touch that one.My next trip will be going to your next performance in my area(500 miles area),it maybe N.Y or Chicago. I have joined your fan club, cant wait to receive my membership. God bless you for me.(I do want to see you before I kick the bucket Gladys

Name:Lil Duarte
Posted on:September 14, 2005 01:36 AM
Where are you from?: ,Phoenix, AZ
Referred By: Just Surfed On In
Comments: Michael - I am so looking forward to seeing you this Saturday night here in Arizona, I'll be cheering you on from the third row, can't wait! It's been way to long. Lil

Name:Hilliary Turner
Posted on:September 13, 2005 01:25 PM
Where are you from?: ,Mechanicsville, VA
Referred By: Just Surfed On In
Comments: Michael, Thank you so much for coming to perform at CNU last night. You were absolutely amazing. I sat, glued to my seat, enthralled and entranced by your magical voice. You are the "Angel of Music." God Bless you!

Posted on:September 13, 2005 12:23 PM
Where are you from?: ,London, Ontario
Referred By: Just Surfed On In
Comments: Hope to see you some day soon in Canada...

Posted on:September 13, 2005 12:16 PM
Where are you from?: ,London, Ontario
Referred By: Just Surfed On In
Comments: Hi Michael, I'm hoping and praying that you will someday do a concert in London, Ontario...

Posted on:September 12, 2005 01:19 PM
Where are you from?: ,England
Referred By: Just Surfed On In
Comments: Michael, I'm sorry to burst in like this, I don't know why I did it but for the last time I just wanted to say this. All the best of luck for your concerts. You really do have a lovely voice.

Name:Kathryn A. Wessell
Posted on:September 12, 2005 12:52 AM
Where are you from?: ,Hillsboro, IL and Norfolk,VA
Referred By: Search Engine
Comments: I have grown up listening to the amazing voice of Michael Crawford. No matter where I go I make sure to have at least one of his CD's close at hand. When I went on an 8 month deployment 2 years ago with the US Navy his songs helped me get through some of the toughest times. Thank you Michael so much for doing what you do. Your talent has helped me through some of the worst times in my life and been mine friend during the best. Your version of "Baby Mine" was my twin sister's father daughter dance at her wedding. I can't imagine a better song for that occasion. Again thank you. I hope one day to acctualy get to see you in concert as my parents have so many times.

Name:Tatiana Kapustina
Posted on:September 9, 2005 04:41 PM
Where are you from?: ,Russia
Referred By: Just Surfed On In
Comments: Dear Michael:

With the greatest pleasure I have found out about your new US concerts. Hope it means that you get well completely. I desire with all my heart to be there at your long-awaited concerts and to hear your wonderful voice again, feeling myself simply on a Heaven. But it's impossible for me this time because of my recent surgical operation. However mentally I will be there with you. Here in Moscow I'm praying for success of your upcoming concerts. I know You'll be fantastic as always. GOD BLESS YOU!

With love


Name:Angelic Red Yoshi
Posted on:September 9, 2005 01:54 AM
Where are you from?: ,Alaska
Referred By: Search Engine
Comments: Hiya Michael! I'm normally into '80s rock and stuff. I'm 15. My girlfriend got me into your music, first starting me out with "The Music Of The Night" and I have gotta tell you, your voice is magnificant. You really have a great voice. Your other songs, like Phantom Of The Opera are very good :D You've inspiried me. I sung The Music Of The Night to my mom the other day, that was the first song I sung to her and she loved it :) But even I cannot do my voice as you, you have a gift there, bud :D Well, God bless. Thanks for giving me such an inspiriation and the words from your songs of how I feel about Leona :) [I love you forever, Leona ^^] Your songs have just yanked the words right out of my mouth of what I have to say about her, especially The Music Of The Night and Unexpected Song. Take care of yourself.

Name:Sharon Haswell
Posted on:September 5, 2005 10:41 PM
Where are you from?: ,New Zealand
Referred By: Just Surfed On In
Comments: Just saw the DVD movie of 'Phantom' but felt it was lacking without you in it. Can't understand why Joel Schumacher didn't want to cast Sarah Brightman and you, YOU are the only Phantom. Think you're marvelous. Would have loved to see you and Sarah immortalised (or at least your voice-overs)in that film though...

No-one compares in the role of Phantom.

Posted on:September 1, 2005 07:08 AM
Where are you from?: ,England
Referred By: Just Surfed On In
Comments: Hello again Michael. I can't really think of a lot to say except this. Good luck for your concerts in the autumn and best wishes.

Name: Bethany McDermott
Posted on:August 31, 2005 03:49 PM
Where are you from?: , Cranford, New Jersey
Referred By: Web Ring
Comments: Dear Michael Crawford,

I think your voice is wonderful. I have never seen your starring role The Phantom Of The oprea , but my parents saw if when it first came out. They told you were great. Then when I was eleven years old I when to go see the Phantom Of The Oprea and you werent playing the role, but I still loved the play. After that , my dad got me the soundtrack and I loved it. I'm hoping to send you a letter , telling u how much i enjoy your singing. I REALLY REALLY REALLY you could come on broadway again . So, maybe I can take my kids . I know I am going to tell my kids about you and I'm sure they were tell their kids that , but then again I'm only eleven years old. But I just wanted you to know if you are reading this that I think your voice is really the ' Angel Of Music ' !!!! Good luck with everything you do! I'm just one of the few that you touched so keep touching other people!!!!!

with love ,

bethany McDermott

Name:Sue L.
Posted on:August 30, 2005 07:33 PM
Where are you from?: ,San Diego, CA
Referred By: Just Surfed On In
Comments: Dear Michael, I have checked your venues up to the last concert to be posted. You are not hitting our area anytime soon. Too bad, I mean I am crushed. I was lucky to get the IN CONCERT DVD though and I thought, well, if I can't go at least I'll have it on DVD of this beautiful man and his beautiful voice. So, I watched it and it was better than listening to the CDs (Magical) and it was like having my own private concert in my living room. I am telling this is so hard to describe that I get chills up my spine. I wish with all my heart to be at your concert and to hear your voice and to get that experience at least one time in my life and I'll be happy. Oh yeah did you figure out about the JETS tshirt.. and I saw it under the gifts in NOTES #57.I was happy you got it anyway. I expect a full report on it.. (Just teasing) A pix would be cool of you in that tshirt. Happy wearing! AND good luck on Concert Tour 2005!

I'm the one in regards to that JETS tshirt.. hope you figured it out by now.. happy wearing and GOOD LUCK on the concerts for 2005!

Name:melissa roberts
Posted on:August 28, 2005 03:15 PM
Where are you from?: ,flint, north wales
Referred By: Just Surfed On In
Comments: Dear Michael, I remember with much fondness receiving your letter and signed photo when I was a child. Your letter was really sweet and no the photo did not end up on the dartboard as you suggested. I now have children of my own and my daughter is just as enamoured with Hello Dolly as I was. We even named our cat Cornelius! Would love to see 'Some mothers' return with Frank as a grandfather. Glad you have become so successful and wish you all the love luck and happiness in the world. Thankyou for making me smile Melissa

Posted on:August 26, 2005 09:22 PM
Where are you from?: ,Pottsville, PA
Referred By: Just Surfed On In
Comments: Hi Michael! I just wanted to let you know that I think you are a fabulous performer! I have seen "Phantom of the Opera" 3 times(unfortunately you weren't in the show at the time:( However, I did get to see you in "Dance of the Vampire" and thought you were fabulous! You have such a great singing voice. I hope you are feeling well...I heard a while back that you were ill. Also, this is a stupid quesion, but are you left-handed? In the picture at the top of the website you have a pen in your left-hand? I am left-handed so I am always curious when I see other lefties! Take care and God Bless, Berna

Name:Elizabeth Agnew
Posted on:August 20, 2005 12:59 AM
Where are you from?: ,Roanoke,Virginia
Referred By: Web Ring
Comments: My son just entered his first year at Christopher Newport University as a vocal music major. At the age of five, I would get him up for school by telling him that if he would hurry and get dressed, I would put the "Phamptom" on for him to listen to. Within five minutes he would be dressed, sitting on the couch, eating a dry bowl of ceral and listening to the music with his eyes closed. Now at the age of 18, while dropping him off at college for the first time, I was so excited to be able to purchase a ticket for him to enjoy your concert in September at CNU. It made it much easier for a mother to leave her first child at a university where there will be so many opportunities to be exposed to excellence in music. I so wish that I could be there too on September 12th. But more than that, I hope that some way you will have time to stop by the music department and spend some time with these inspire them with the determination to live their dreams. I have told my son that his voice is a gift from God, it his own choice what he does with it. I'll pray for saftey in your travels and wish you continued success in your career. Sincerely, Elizabeth

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