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Name:JoAnna Uresti
Posted on:May 30, 2012 06:14 PM
Where are you from?: United States
Referred By: Search Engine
Comments: I just love Michael Crawford, I remember watching Hello Dolly when I was a kid and I fell in love with his voice. Then when I heard him sing for the Phantom of the Opera I just loved him even more. In my eyes he is the only Phantom. Everyone else is good but Michael is the only Phantom.

Name:Lainie Cole
Posted on:May 22, 2012 11:48 PM
Where are you from?: Richmond, VA, USA
Referred By: Just Surfed On In
Comments: Hi Michael! I am such a dedicated fan of yours. I'm 14 years old and have grown up listening to Phantom and Hello Dolly! I am seriously in love with your voice. I listen to you singing Music of the Night on CD in the car every time I go home from school. Just watched Phantom 25 and my favorite part was when you came out at the end for the celebration, even though it was on DVD I started clapping with this grin on my face! It's sad many people my age don't have a lot of appreciation for real music. Best wishes from one of your biggest fans! Love, Elaine Cole PS. You will always be my favorite actor and singer!

Name:Eunice Skinner
Posted on:May 14, 2012 05:06 PM
Where are you from?: Dunblane Scotland
Referred By: E-Mail
Comments: My Dear Michael

I can’t find the words to describe my feelings when I got the wonderful surprise from you Michael. It meant the world to me, your beautifully worded letter however, the last line a ‘dart board’ really, Michael no way never! ‘Always the comedian’ …xx

Your kindness will be rewarded, from me, your world fans, your charities and from everyone who loves you. You are in the hearts, minds and memories of the nation, who are so proud to call you 'our own', again thank you Michael, take care, I never will forget your kindness.

ps remember me

Lots of love


Name:Christine Maslin
Posted on:May 3, 2012 07:38 AM
Where are you from?: Geraldton Western Australia
Referred By: Just Surfed On In
Comments: Hi Michael, have been a huge fan of yours since Some Mothers do Have them. Just love your SOH and your amazing singing voice. Have just purchase your double CD The Story of my Life all I can say is WOW!! Unfortunately haven't had to pleasure of seeing you in person performing on stage. If you ever come to Australia again come over to the West as I would love to meet you and show you around. Take care and glad you have recovered from you illness. Keep on singing can't get enough of it!!!

Name:Kelly McCarthy
Posted on:April 30, 2012 07:09 PM
Where are you from?: Pleasant Hill California
Referred By: Search Engine
Comments: Hi Michael! Been a fan of yours since late 90s when I first got The Phantom on CD! When I first heard you sing Music Of The Night, I fell in love with your beautiful voice. You are truley an inspiration to me. Would love to meet you someday or at least see you in concert! Keep up the great work!

Posted on:April 28, 2012 07:21 PM
Where are you from?: Texas
Referred By: Just Surfed On In
Comments: Hi Michael! I thought you might like to know that the lyrics to 'Angel of Music' came true for me a couple of years ago. I had your picture that you sent me (thank you SO much, by the way)tucked into a corner of my mirror in my room. I was at my desk doing homework and happened to be listening to the OLC recording of Phantom. When it came to the line, "Look at your face in the mirror/I am there inside", I happened to look up and wouldn't you know, the Phantom really WAS staring back at me! I thought that was hilarious. Thank you again for sending the picture--it was very thoughtful of you. And--I absolutely loved the Royal Albert Hall performance of Phantom. I just got it on Blu-Ray and was so excited to see you there!

Name:Hans Dossche
Posted on:April 20, 2012 02:21 PM
Where are you from?: Belgium
Referred By: Search Engine
Comments: It is truly remarkable to have seen such a great talent on screen. A hero from my youth, since I saw the movie Condorman for the first time when I was six years old, now I am twenty-eight. One the greatest gifts I ever got for my birthday was the movie on DVD. Still the movie doesn't fade out of my memory. Even now, when I write this, I hear Mr. Spencer on the background in my mind. Also that show always brings a smile on my face, and keeps getting funnier ever time I watch it. So, Mr. Crawford when you read this, if you read this...just like Chaplin, you will never be forgotten. Thank you for laughs you brought me and keep on bringing me. I wish you good health and everything else you desire. From another one of your many fans, thank you for the joy and congratulations to your work.

Posted on:April 15, 2012 03:01 PM
Where are you from?: Toronto, Ontario
Referred By: Search Engine
Comments: Hope your doing great! Look us up next time your in Toronto. Would be great to see you again.

Dan & Niki

Posted on:April 15, 2012 12:44 PM
Where are you from?: LEICESTER UK
Referred By: Search Engine
Comments: HI michael i have a treasured signed photo of you and i have just watched 25th phantom from royal albert hall it was so lovely to see you again and wished i could have seen you in the wizard of oz.i have all the cds you have recorded and play them often.Take care xxx

Name:anthony bartram
Posted on:April 11, 2012 05:45 AM
Where are you from?: townsville
Referred By: Just Surfed On In
Comments: hi michael i like your album the story of my life thanks for the songs michael my fav is music of the night

Name:sue wood
Posted on:April 8, 2012 10:41 AM
Where are you from?: Australia
Referred By: Just Surfed On In
Comments: Hello Michael, I was enchanted by you in 2006 at the Hyatt Resort Coolum, Sunshine Coast, Queensland. Your name has been coming to me almost daily for the past few months, so I thought I would make the link to say 'hello' and 'congratulations for your difficult life lived in such an extraordinary way'. I know the difficulties of long term CFS especially ' at a certain age'. I'm free now also. It's a wonderful life we have rediscovered. Sue

Posted on:March 26, 2012 03:05 AM
Referred By: Just Surfed On In

Name:J. Lenora Bresler
Posted on:March 25, 2012 01:06 AM
Where are you from?: Lakeland, Florida
Referred By: Just Surfed On In
Comments: It is so nice to know that there is a real talent who is also a genuinely good, decent person. I wrote to Mr. Crawford way back in 1987 when I graduated from law school and he was kind enough to write me a note. I had learned how close he had been to his grandmother and I, too, had been raised by a grandmother and I had commented on that. From all I have ever been able to find out about him, he seems to be the genuine article --- good through and through. I hope he feels the pleasure of God upon him as he uses his talents.

Name:Mary Milor
Posted on:March 19, 2012 11:35 PM
Where are you from?: California
Referred By: Just Surfed On In
Comments: Saw Michael in Phantom twice in LA, could hardly stand up for the ovation-- my knees were weak. Also have seen several concerts and think ALW made the mistake of his career with the movie. Also saw the Albert Hall presentation and was SO DISAPPOINTED that Michael did not sing even a few notes. Wow.

Name:Jacci Weaver
Posted on:March 19, 2012 02:06 PM
Where are you from?: Ohio, United States
Referred By: Just Surfed On In
Comments: I was never fortunate enough to see Michael perform, but when I was very young, my parents told me that I would fall asleep listening to The Phantom of the Opera. I saw the production of "Phantom" in Las Vegas in November, 2011 for my 21st birthday. Best birthday present ever, but I wish I could have seen Michael perform. My grandfather and I would listen to different operas when I was younger, we played piano together and sang together all the time. He directed 3 choirs back in the day and, to me, was a musical genius. I started playing piano when I was 5 and I continue to play piano for him, since he has now passed away. I have started arranging my own music and play it in my church, dedicated to my grandfather. One day, my grandfather and I were listening to The Phantom of the Opera, and he told me Michael Crawford was one of his favorite voices, and ever since that day I have been a Michael Crawford fan. So thank you for being an inspiration in my life and for being an inspiration to my grandfather. Good luck with everything you do! Jacci

Name:Eunice Skinner
Posted on:March 17, 2012 08:59 PM
Where are you from?: Dunblane Scotland
Referred By: Web Ring
Comments: Hello Micheal I do hope you get to read this. I missed you again, my intensions were to get down to London to see you in The Wizard of Oz, and yet again it was not meant to be, either University, photography obligations or health problems prevented the journey. This has been the case for nearly thirty years now; I never quite made it to see you perform at the least. My dream of meeting you unless you go on tour that involves the UK and Scotland are now all but dashed, but you never now.

I would just like to say although a fan, I appreciate and have loved you as an actor, comedian and singer and your lifetime commitment to us, has been and still is overwhelming and I thank you for this. I have heard on the grapevine talk of award and merit for exceptional achievement and service to entertainment, this you certainly deserve. Good luck and thank you for the all those memories and music. I will be asking you if you would be so kind enough to send a signed photograph. Next time you’re on Facebook check me out, all the very best

Kindest regards

Eunice Skinner

Name:Linda Hansen
Posted on:March 16, 2012 10:19 PM
Where are you from?: Cincinnati, oh
Referred By: Search Engine
Comments: Hope you are doing well. Enjoying your albums right now.

Name:Denise Gardner
Posted on:March 16, 2012 05:10 AM
Where are you from?: Tampa Fl
Referred By: Search Engine
Comments: the first time i heard Michael was on the Jerry Lewis Telethon.Hi singing the Music if the Night made e a fan forever. I just finnished watching the 25th anniversay performance from The Royal Ablert Hall. Not only did I enjoy the opera but the best part for me was when Michael took the stage,Although I have never had the oppurtunity to see it live It gave me chills to see him perform onstage via my local pbs station. thank you so much for introducing me to a world of muic and theater that I might have missed. God Bless You and your wonderful gift.

Posted on:March 12, 2012 01:57 PM
Where are you from?: Toronto, Canada
Referred By: Just Surfed On In
Comments: I had the honour of seeing Michael at the O'Keefe Centre in Toronto back in 1993. I had front row seats and was in heaven the whole time, watching and listening to him. I am still a huge fan. I didn't even want to see The Phantom here in Toronto because Michael wasn't in it! I did succumb and see it though of course!! I wish he would come back to Toronto!!!

Name:Elyette CURVALLE
Posted on:March 12, 2012 07:44 AM
Where are you from?: France and Montreal
Referred By: Search Engine
Comments: Bonjour Billy! London 1975.

Name:Franco Darioli
Posted on:March 12, 2012 03:32 AM
Where are you from?: Australia
Referred By: Just Surfed On In
Comments: Hi Michael I hope that you can read this, I had no choice on font size. I am not a fan in the sense that I have no life outside you but I would take a bullet for you. The reason is very simple. Some people make a better world and you do, others not so much. Now I am not all that sure about myself in this regards so I take the safer option. I had the opportunity to see you in Billy Liar, in London up with the Gods, sometime last century and ever since you make my day every time you are on TV. Of course I would see you live if you were not so bloody expensive. Ever thought about cloning yourself ? Franco

Name:wendy wakeham
Posted on:March 11, 2012 06:46 AM
Where are you from?: Brisbane, Australia
Referred By: Just Surfed On In
Comments: Hi Michael, Love all your work and have been an avid follower for many years. In the beginning I just couldn't believe Frank Spencer could re-incarnate himself into the Phantom! Unbelievable. I saw your show here in Brisbane and loved every second.Hope you had a great birthday and are now back to full health after resting in NZ. All the very best, Wendy

Name:Virginia McGowan
Posted on:March 10, 2012 08:17 PM
Where are you from?: Gold Coast Aus.
Referred By: Just Surfed On In
Comments: Thank you for all the many years of pleasure and fun,very sorry I haven't been able to see you in person,[ holed up here having fun too---] Just wondering, about your CFS,because I am fellow "sufferer," with many others, support group too "I'm Not Crazy just a little unwell" hope you have recovered. Ginnymac.

Name:Ernie Chrisman
Posted on:March 9, 2012 01:01 AM
Where are you from?: Seattle, Washington
Referred By: Search Engine
Comments: Hi Michael Crawford. This is Ernie Chrisman. I still listen to you sing the Phantom of the Opera. Thank you for meeting me in Seattle.

From Ernie's aunt: Ernie is a developmentally disabled adult who loves Michael Crawford. I brought him to your concert in Seattle in the early 1990s and you saw him backstage. He still remembers and still calls you a "generous man." Peggy Chrisman

Name:robert rigby
Posted on:March 7, 2012 09:15 PM
Where are you from?: Sydney
Referred By: Search Engine

Name:Donna M Burck
Posted on:March 4, 2012 08:58 PM
Where are you from?: Maryland USA
Referred By: Just Surfed On In
Comments: I absolutely adore Michael Crawford! I saw. "Phantom" back in 1995, and I was hooked! Crawford's voice was absolutely mesmerizing! I've seen countless interviews with on television, and he seems so warm and witty. I would love to see in concert again. Does he ever come back to the U.S.?

Posted on:February 29, 2012 12:16 AM
Where are you from?: Oklahoma
Referred By: Just Surfed On In
Comments: I had seen Mr. Crawford in previous years in Funny Thing Happened on the Way to the Forum and Hello Dolly, but had not seen The Phantom of the Opera until I bought the 2 disk DVD of the 2004 Movie. When I played the special features disk, I was so taken by the bits and pieces that show Mr. Crawford singing I was stunned. My Manager at where I worked talked about seeing Phantom in London and also in New York. He would only see the production that starred Mr. Crawford. Now I see why. I wish him many more wonderful times.

Posted on:February 23, 2012 06:04 AM
Where are you from?: Hawaii, USA
Referred By: Just Surfed On In
Comments: Dear Michael, you are such an amazing inspiration to me. You've made me laugh with "Some Mothers Do 'Ave 'Em," cried through (in a good way) "The Phantom of the Opera" OLC recording, and left me in awe with everything that you do. I'm currently awaiting your autobiography to come in the mail and I am beyond excited to read it. Have a great year and best wishes in everything you do!

Love, Ashley

Name:gavin mohney
Posted on:February 20, 2012 10:34 PM
Where are you from?: florida
Referred By: Just Surfed On In
Comments: Dear still a HUGE fan of fphantom of the opera..and still cry everytime...i remember when i met you after a concert and after years of singing phantom with my friend....and meeting the the phantom himself...i cryed(hope you remember)you signed a phantom mask for me say "with love micheal crawford[your friend]....i love the phantom and what it,hate and how people treat eachother on how they look....its hard to love someone who isnt normal like the phant...thats how i feel....well thank you for so much for opening my eyes to music and because of that....i sing(tenor/baritone)and i think its ur music...with andrew who let me sing...minus my music teachers...but always gavin... p.s i would like to possibly meet u again

Posted on:February 5, 2012 08:23 PM
Where are you from?: Austria
Referred By: From a Friend
Comments: I just wanted to say "Hi" to all the fans, especially those 3 of you i met on Feb 1st @ the London Palladium. I really enjoyed the show a lot. Michael Crawford is an amazing Wizard (tho i agree, the role isn't big enough ;)

Posted on:January 26, 2012 09:02 PM
Where are you from?: Scotland
Referred By: Just Surfed On In
Comments: Dear Michael I hope your birthday was full of fun laughter and everything you wished for. I hope someday to see you perform and hear your beautiful voice. I have just recently found P.O.T.O. and I'm so sad I missed you perform as the phantom. Wishing you all the best from Scotland X X

Name:Christi Gibson
Posted on:January 25, 2012 01:55 AM
Where are you from?: Battle Ground, IN
Referred By: Search Engine
Comments: Michael, Hope to one day see you perform in my lifetime. I bought one of your CD's a few years ago and have been quite hooked ever since. Your ability to feel what you sing is incredible. I will be attempting to play and sing one of your recordings, "She Used to Be Mine", at my niece's upcoming wedding reception. God blessed you with a sensitive heart and it is expressed through your music. Thanks for sharing it with all of us!!!

Posted on:January 23, 2012 04:46 PM
Where are you from?: New York
Referred By: Just Surfed On In
Comments: Happy 70th birthday Michael. I hope you had a wonderful day surrounded by friends and family.

Posted on:January 23, 2012 11:50 AM
Where are you from?: Ireland
Referred By: Just Surfed On In
Comments: Brought my family to Oz last Friday and you had patience and kind words for all of us pestering you for an autograph at the stage door. Just wanted to say thanks as you made a memorable night even more so for my wife and girls. They are putting on Oz in our home town this April and now have an amazing story to recount for their own programme.

Good luck with whatever you do after Oz - I'm sure it'll be a resounding success.

Name:Jamie Rehel
Posted on:January 21, 2012 02:54 PM
Where are you from?: Canada
Referred By: Just Surfed On In
Comments: Hi Mr. Crawford. Keep up the good work with your music.

Name:Dana Mullaney
Posted on:January 19, 2012 09:01 PM
Where are you from?: California, USA
Referred By: Just Surfed On In
Comments: Dear Michael, Happy 70th birthday to you! You look very amazing and are still going strong. I remember listening to you for the first time on CD (Phantom of the Opera) on my 12th birthday, and it was love at first listen. For years I have been a devoted fan, and got to see you perform twice a couple of years ago when you did your solo concerts. Those two nights I remember vividly; they were so magical. I wish I could see you perform "Wizard of Oz", but sadly I am stuck in California for now. However, I still keep up with all of your work and remain a die hard fan. You, sir, have the greatest voice I have ever heard. Thank you for being such a generous and kind man to your fans and many others. Happy Birthday and God bless! Dana

Name:Amanda Beneze
Posted on:January 19, 2012 06:18 PM
Where are you from?: Bethalto, IL
Referred By: Search Engine
Comments: Hi Michael, I just wanted to wish you a very happy 70th birthday!! I hope you got to have a great day and got to spend it with the ones you love!! Again, Happy Birthday Michael!!! Love and a hug, Amanda Beneze

Name:Elizabeth Ohlmuller
Posted on:January 19, 2012 10:54 AM
Where are you from?: United States
Referred By: Just Surfed On In
Comments: Dear Mr. Crawford: Happy Birthday! I can't believe how time flies! It's been almost twenty four years since I saw you in Phantom! It seems like only yesterday! I wish the Wizard of Oz would come to Broadway so I could see you perform again! :) Have a great Birthday!


Name:Irene Fawley
Posted on:January 19, 2012 05:40 AM
Where are you from?: Woking, Surrey, UK
Referred By: Just Surfed On In
Comments: Hi Michael, I would like to wish you a very Happy 70th Birthday. Take care, love from Irene. xx

Name:sue nightingale
Posted on:January 19, 2012 03:22 AM
Where are you from?: England
Referred By: Just Surfed On In
Comments: Happy Birthday Michael! Have a lovely day, and I can't wait to see you again in WOZ in a couple of weeks time! Love and God Bless, Sue X

Name:Deborah Earle
Posted on:January 19, 2012 12:36 AM
Where are you from?: USA
Referred By: Just Surfed On In
Comments: Greetings, Michael! Happy 70th birthday! I remember my years in your fan club fondly. During that time, I even gave you a set of recordings Frank Sinatra(whom you had met a few years earlier) made on the day you were born. I remember your kindness in having a toy sent to a hospital for exceptional children in my community when I wrote and asked your fan club to do so. I send you all my best wishes, and I hope to keep doing great work on behalf of children, and entertaining the world for many years to come!God bless you!

Name:Maureen Cowie
Posted on:January 18, 2012 02:58 PM
Where are you from?: England
Referred By: Search Engine

Name:Sharon Zarrow
Posted on:January 18, 2012 10:44 AM
Where are you from?: Phoenix AZ
Referred By: Just Surfed On In
Comments: Oh, Michael How time flys 70 God Bless you! I was a member when MCIFA started, saw you in Phantom at the Majestic In NY . How I miss NY. Have a very Happy Birthday Tomorrow! And many More! Sharon Zarrow and old fan.

Name:Miss Sharon Harford
Posted on:January 15, 2012 10:24 PM
Where are you from?: Adelaide, Australia
Referred By: Search Engine
Comments: Hi Michael 'Bugger it' you're turning 70 on Thursday! I am currently reading your 'Parcel Arrived Safely' autobiorgraphy and enjoying it, hence the 'bugger it' reference. Have a wonderful celebration for your 70th. Best Wishes, Sharon Harford x

Name:michelle josephs
Posted on:January 14, 2012 09:01 PM
Where are you from?: GREENBAY WISCONSIN
Referred By: Just Surfed On In
Comments: dear michael i hope you have a vrey happy birthday you dont look a day over 49 take care and god bless love always michelle josephs

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